christmasy time

i put up my christmas tree last night. i had also gotten this villagey stuff last year when it was all going on sale after christmas (so i got like, every house for about 15 cents) and i put it all under the tree with the fake snowy stuff.

carrie was all like "what are you giving the kids for christmas?" and its just… i love them all tons, and am super happy we are all so close and stuff… but i mean, one of these years its going to have to stop. next christmas i could very well have my own child and well, im just not going to be able to buy them christmas presents every year. in 2 months i will have 7 nieces and nephews, 2 more if you count michelle’s sisters girls.

so i was thinking of making them all ornaments or something this year, or maybe picture frames? just buy a bunch of 2 dollar ones and decorating them and like, i dont know, doing something. or else just christmas cards. i love them, but i cant afford $10 gift cards for each of them forever.

anyhow. went to target yesterday after deciding to get a new coat. its really nice, its one of those long ones that goes down just above my knees. of course, being a girls jacket, i had to get a large one for it to actually fit me. i spent 20 minutes staring into the case for a ds game. its the super mario brothers game thats like, the original nintendo version. I REALLY REALLY WANT IT. but i tore myself away and had willpower to say no. thought theres a really high chance i may go back for it… blarg/

OOOOO commercial for harry potter and half blood prince… comes out soon! sweet. gotta get that… speaking of which i should probably check my bank account and see what i got paid today.

oh, and chris pretty much agreed that if we have enough with tax returns to pay off all of our small stuff, ill be able to use a bunch of it towards my camera. i have officially decided upon the Nilon D5000. with Ronis best buy discount i can get it for about $550ish i think. but then after that ill just have to make sure to get a flash and larger lens and yeah.

alrighty. need to finish eating my soup before tylenol pm kicks in. laterz

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