
so christmas was… fun

it was mostly. there were just some parts that werent as great.

so Chris got me a locket, which he gave me on, like, tuesday. its gorgeous. i <3 it. ill have to put a pic up sometime.

so christmas eve i had to work 4a-1p, so i was up by 3, and i was tired all day. i didnt go to bed till about 10 cuz we had chris’ relatives at his moms. so we went there and i was exhausted the entire time pretty much, and i wont feel bad saying this cuz chris feels the same way, but man his relatives are irritating. AND they smoke so much that our clothes smell awful when we leave. he agrees that my moms isnt nearly as bad with smoke. we barely notice it there. his mom alone is bad, cuz its always pretty hellish after just her and his stepdad, but when theyre all together…. ugh. so i was tired, my eyes were burning due to smoke, and i was being siriusly bored and annoyed by his uncles who have this thing about talking soooooo much and they repeat the same thing over and over and over and over. the smallest detail is the worst. its like "so i said, you know, i said, i was saying that…" its awful sometimes. and they kinda touch you everytime they start a new sentence, like we dont know theyre talking to us kind of a thing…

SO anyway, we did that. it was great fun.

the next morning we went back for just us, his sister, and parents to open gifts. i got some really nice stuff.

1) Adobe Photoshop 8.
2) diamond necklace from Kesslers
3) tons and tons of candy.

so then we left about 1230. came home, showered, changed, and went to my moms.

well that was hellish. so many kids and presents!

Carrie was my "secret santa" and she got me the Super Mario Bros for my DS thats like the Super Nintendo version, so i was all happy about that. gave Roni hers, and she flipped when she opened Newsies. pretty sure she watched it last night.

we gave mom her present, which we had all chipped in and bought her a Nook so she doesnt have to buy a billion books anymore all the time. she was really happy.

my mom didnt feel like cooking, so we went to Uno’s. sad that they were open, and packed, but it was fun. and the food was really good. it was my first time eating there, cuz we usually just do applebees, but man i wanna go back. PLUS they have really cute waitresses, and chris and i were enjoying that immensely.

the bill was $200. it was awful. (14 of us though…)

then we went back to moms and Chris and her played Star Trek Scene It, which was a small gift for mom too, and that lasted for hours. and i dont know if anyone likes Star Trek, but they had one picture on there that was a freaken CLOUD OF SMOKE WITH A SMILY FACE. it looked absolutely awful.

so around 9ish we left and i came home and crashed till about 230, got up, went and opened the door for people to get in at work at 3, then came back home and slept till about 630 in the morning, effectively screwing up my sleeping schedule. so im gonna probably have to take tylenol pm tonight, since i gotta work at 4 tomorrow, but whatever.

so im gonna go. waiting for carrie to show up with an onion so i can make salmon patties.

alrighty. hope everyone had a merry christmas.


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December 26, 2009

I love you, Bicki. Especially how you were checking out waitresses with your husband. I’m glad you liked your Christmas. I’ll update about mine tomorrow night I think. <3