
so this morning me and chris went to see brian. he was awake for the most part. groggy and outta it for a lot of it, and his head is killing him, but awake. alive.

he remembered bits and pieces. so thats good. he finds it amusing, of course, that he kept lashing out at everyone when they tried to come near him at the hospital.

we were there for about 2/12-3 hours. then left cuz chris was really rather tired, and i was getting there.

because of the being woken up at, like, 730 thing, i ended up sleeping for about 3ish hours during the night last night. so i wasnt AS tired, but i was still outta it.

but ive woken up now and chatted with carrie about him. we dont know yet when hell be coming home. they tried to get him to walk, and he was able to walk down the hallway, but by the time he got at the playroom *im not sure how far away this is cuz i havent seen his new room* he ended up throwing up. and hes having a hard time eating anything. he gets hungry, and can eat a few bites, but then his stomach starts to get upset and such.

they want him to be able to eat fine, and walk without spewing all over the place, before hes let out. could be tomorrow, could be a few days. hopefully tomorrow… i mean, its his birthday friday.

otherwise i guess he gets to have a pile of helmets in his hospital room…

talk about a sucky way to celebrate your 15th birthday. but at least its not his 16th…. that REALLY suck.

*sigh* stupid boys and there stupid athletics….

see? this is why indoors is always better. the most you have to fear inside by the computer is, like, having lightening strike your house and making it blow up in your face or something. and the odds of that happening compared to the odds of falling and breaking something when outside? yeah, WAY slim.

one person came in and was like "oh your looking better." "yeah" "wanna go rollerblading?" "um, no"

it was funny. my mom asked if hed ever tried this trick before, and when he said no, asked if he was planning on trying it again, and he said no. so thats good.

now as long as he wears the helmets itll be fine. cuz im willing to bet that if hes caught without one, someone in my family will explode on him.

aadyn and jordan got to go in to see him, and when aadyn saw him i guess he went up to him and was like "BRIAN! why didnt you wear a helmet?" and he said "i dont know" and aadyn was like "thats bad. you ALWAYS wear a helmet. you cant get owies with a helmet"

and coming from a 2 1/2 year old, its just hilarrious. i love that kid….

and have i mentioned that hes bald? he went up to roni and was like "mommy, i want you to shave my head" so they did. he didnt like it at first, but now he does. its SO cute…..



and brians head:

hes really awake in here, so dont think i was taking pictures while he was asleep or something. like i said, he was just way outta it. and he kept asking what his head looked like, so i took the picture for him to see. hes got one on the back of his head too, but its under his hair and not nearly as big.

hes just going to basically, have a very bad concussion for, like, a month. they just said hes going to be sleeping a lot and probably taking quite a few naps. no overexertion for him! HA!

okay, gonna go, reading to do and such… almost done with my book…. laterz

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June 26, 2008

WHEN DID AAYDEN GET SO DAMN BIG?!?! I’m glad Brian’s doing better. I don’t think I can make the trip down there tonight, but I’ll be dropping off a shiny new helmet at your mom’s house for his birthay sometime tonight I’m sure. <3

June 27, 2008

very cute. *the kids, not your brother of course* ugh, that looks like it hurts a lot.