
I am so freaken excited right now! I’m pregnant!

I’m almost in shock. I was at first. I had a small panic attack teehee. And of course I was half asleep when I found out, since I took the test at 530 in the morning.

The next day the doctors office called me, since I had gotten some blood tests done and an ultrasound since I wasn’t getting pregnant and they were like "your prolactin was high so we just want to have you redo that one and then set up a follow up appointment to talk about all the results" and I was like "yeah, um, I made an appointment for the end of the month because I found out I was pregnant yesterday" and then we talked a little and she called back about three hours later and was like "yeah, it was definitely high because of the pregnancy, so we’ll see you at that appointment!" *giggle*

I’m giddy. I cannot believe this is happening. I’m so nervous about something bad happening so I’m trying to be super careful at work. I told them all about it and was like "yeah not doing some of this stuff anymore" SO not breaking down milk load anymore, and not overstressing myself. I am taking both my breaks every day, whether things all are done are not, etc. That job is not worth it.

So I’m, like, 5 weeks along, and according to the online pregnancy calculators I’ll have a due date of March 6th. Which is funny, because that is my nephew Jordans birthday, and his little sister Gracelynn was born the day before my birthday. I find it slightly ironic.

So anyway, I’m going to go. I am just exhausted. And I really haven’t done anything today. Ah the joys of pregnancy. Ciao

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July 7, 2010

I saw you on the front page and I just wanted to say congrats! My husband and I have been trying for 2 years and are currently beginning our first cycle doing IUI and I started Clomid today. From the sounds of it you were trying for a bit so I’m really happy for you =)

July 7, 2010

congratulations! you did good