Sorry You Feel That Way?

I fell asleep before I got a chance to write last night. It was a long day. Nothing was spectacular, but some of it sort of worked. I wasn’t in a position to reject ALL offers, but it made no sense to take things I absolutely could not do because of a lack of gas, either.

Once I got a little groove going, the flow got interrupted by an extremely irate person. It was night time, and the individual had apparently been desperate for the opportunity to interfere with my work efforts and type profanities and insults to me. The only thing I could do was handle it the way I thought it should be handled.

So the offer ended up being something I DID NOT sign up for. I accepted it based on the information I had, which was X number of dollars going to Blahtown in the state where I live and had been working for the day. Sometimes I do go out to the neighboring state, but it’s rare because it’s a 30-minute to 1-hour ride, depending on what town it is.

LSS, I don’t like to go there unless I have a darn good offer and can get more, or I’m wanting to ride my hoverboard on smooth ground, and it’s the better choice of two far away skate parks. Most of the time, I don’t visit that state at all anymore because I haven’t lived there in years.

I can not see all the information when offers are bundled together until I pick up the items. So I had no idea the account was going to reveal one address that was 50 minutes away in the neighboring state and another that would have had me driving back over an hour from there, lol.

Obviously, the new information caused the offer to be non-beneficial. So I was trying to explain all that to support while the “customer” bombarded me with erratic text messages, not even leaving me with 60 seconds in between text bombs. They had been doing that from the moment they gained access to the chat option and while I was driving, BTW.

I eventually told them I was unable to provide the service to them because of the account misinformation (and other things). They tried to request that I deliver to a different address, but I felt it was best to return the items to the restaurant and remove myself from the escalating situation so they could get a more favorable person to help them.

At that point, the “customer” began projecting their anger onto my mobile phone screen, calling me whores and “old,” F-bombing  me to oblivion, threatening to ruin my reputation, harm me, etc. So I ended the interaction, returned the food and documented, called the safety team, and had them cancel and block the disturbed individual. Then I continued with my night.

All I can say is that I’m very sorry these individuals had the wrong idea of who I am. I’m not an actual whore and have never been one. Hence, the long-term abstinence and such.

I’m also sorry my birth date bothers them and they’re obsessed with someone they hate. Those are not my problems. They are problems they have to work out for themselves using whatever method they feel is best. 

I’m going to continue to live my life here where I’ve been living it and with the employer I desire to work for if they’ll have me. If they won’t, it’s fine, but it definitely won’t lead me toward a 1000-times-worse option.

That’s about it. Today’s another day.

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6 days ago

Honey, you do you. Don’t bother bending to others will. It just messes your day up, and no ones needs that crap anyhow!

6 days ago

@kittenklawz That was kind of the point of the whole thing. To mess my day up any way possible. Either interfere with the money, the time it takes to earn the money, the ratings, my peace of mind, or whatever.

I handled it the way I should have for someone in my situation at that time. I’m not on the “accounts team,” so I can’t change anyone’s address on their account if it’s wrong. To be safe, I should only deliver things to the address on the account and not honor requests to take it somewhere else, no matter where it is. It looks like they got their address information sorted out afterward, but I had everything documented as it was.

As for the behavior, it’s kind of a done deal once we get into personal attacks and profanities.

6 days ago


As for the behavior, it’s kind of a done deal once we get into personal attacks and profanities.

Exactly. *nods*