No Dreams

No dreams last night. Just sleep. I forgot to focus on it, to be honest. I did get a full eight hours of sleep, but there were no dreams or nightmares. Just fell asleep and woke up.

Someone reminded me about C’s music last night, too, by liking a comment I’d left on one of his songs a long time ago.

I still listen to his music, but I don’t have the disc versions of everything. This one particular song was only available to me through the streaming service I didn’t have the money to pay for this month, lol.

Anyway, I went back and listened to that song, and it reminded me of how much I missed his stuff with the other band. The streaming service provider was kind enough to offer 30 days or such. The thing is, though, I don’t know if my situation will necessarily be any better in 30 days. I may take them up on it because I can’t stand ads or not having “background play,” lmao. But again, I can’t promise that I’ll have any money the following month.

Poor C. I see things from time to time, like family updates and such. I don’t look for them. They just pop up my computer screen or phone sometimes, highlighting themselves for me to see. A lot of things have changed since he’s been gone, like overall attitudes toward him, beliefs, practices, etc. Each of these things gives me even more confirmation that he was a good dude who left this earth wanting to do rightful things. That’s all I’ll say about that.

I don’t really have much else to write. Today’s another day is all I can say.

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