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It was a pretty good day. I had some much needed quiet time and got some spiritual nourishment. A few people I watched today delivered pure and direct messages. Other messages weren’t pure or good, but they were definitely direct, lol.

Like I’ve said many times before, I pick up all sorts of vibes and messages from all sorts of communication mediums/portals/environments, but I don’t get to choose which ones come through. Good and bad exist, so good and bad present themselves.

I can choose how I react to the bad “messages” but I can’t necessarily stop any entities from spewing unkindlies. So if I’m in an environment full of a certain “air,” a lot of unkindlies will be spoken.


It’s a lot to deal with when there are SO many people with such a vibe, and you are trying to do a job, learn a new thing, or recall a hidden old thing.

This “insight” got noticeably sharp about a decade ago and has been sharpening ever since.

I am not arrogant about my “insight” or any other part of myself. At all. I owe everything to the Almighty, whether it’s my brain or a gift used for His glory. But sometimes just telling a story or saying something even remotely nice or good about myself sparks anger.

The “insight” kind of is what it is, and not all of it is pretty. Some of it is the ugliest stuff you could ever “hear” and is sooooo vile and hateful. Other stuff sounds like a cry for help, but it’s mixed in with hatred, anger, and weird guilt trips.

The past few weeks have been kicking my butt. 

I’ve had a ton of pressure put on me, have seen many dark arts efforts and magical tools being ramped up and thrown at me, and have gotten kicked back down financially once again.

Today I even “heard” that I was going to suffer, burn in ‘hell on earth,’ DIE, and then burn in actual hell again.

Wow. Thanks for sharing. Are you sure?

No one said the Bible was open for random interpretation or alteration. No one said we didn’t need to congregate with others and shouldn’t listen to teachers/morahs/preachers/pastors/etc. I was never referring to myself as the “wise counsel” anyone should seek, either. Lmao.

What I meant was that a lot of people disagree on when to honor the Sabbath. I also said each person needs to decide what they believe about it and follow that truth. I said it because some people watch me to see exactly when I honor it, but they need to make their own decision about it instead of just doing whatever I do.

The Bible specifies which day of the week to worship numerous times. It also gives specific instructions for certain feasts and high holy days. I don’t believe the regular weekly Sabbath begins at quite the same time as a feast day or high holy day like Passover, but that’s something one would discuss with a Morah.

As for me and my current troubles, they can only end one of two ways. Either I will go completely crazy, or I’ll fully embrace the “insight” and everything it reveals and level up.

I’ve decided not to go crazy.


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