New Mottos for 2025
Things can be designed to overwhelm or frustrate us, but we don’t have to let them.
Some things look like mountains, but they’re only mole hills in the whole scheme of things. So prioritize what you can take care of and put the other stuff aside for later. Then chip away at those big problems instead of letting them chip away at you. Focus on one at a time and block out outside noise. Every little thing does help.
Let go of trying to control what you can’t. Make a decision about whether it’s acceptable to you and then do it or don’t. Stick with your decision and leave it at that. Stay or leave. Remain in the relationship or don’t. Work the job or don’t. Frequent the site or delete your account, lmao. No one else’s input or opinion should be held higher than your own because you are the only one who has to live your life.
Accept other people’s decisions as well. Forget about whether you think those decisions or their opinions of you are wrong, stupid, unfair, spiteful, tit-for-tat-ish, etc. Just accept them and move along. Next.
Don’t dwell on stuff you can’t resolve immediately, and don’t “nourish” those who feed off of your reactions. Let the assumers assume what they like and go on about your business. Nothing will change their minds. If they want to imagine you as someone completely opposite of who you are, that’s on them. Let ’em keep dreaming.
Tell the accusers to take a hike and keep being who you are. Don’t explain yourself or your story twice to anyone you’ve already explained them to once.
The past is in the past. You can choose not to entertain it, even if other people want to. But you can’t stop them from dwelling there if they want to. It goes both ways and is what it is.
View each day as a new opportunity to work on things: mountains, mole hills, spiritual wellness, growth, etc. You’ll get to go home when your time comes. Until then, take advantage of each new opportunity.