It’s Half and Half
So the struggle with work life isn’t all them or all me or all the algorithm. It’s like half me and half them and their algorithms.
As I said before, algorithms aren’t evil, hateful, or controlling in and of themselves. They are just “instruction sets” or “tools that do things” based on the data and instructions they receive. However, people create and program them to function with certain intentions in mind. Those intentions might be decreasing their expenses, increasing their profits, keeping folks engaged with their platform, disengaging them, “balancing” their income, etc. Some create them to make processes like hiring people easier.
They can be helpful to people, and so can AI.
The problem is not so much that they exist but that some people use them to do devious things. Some also design them to facilitate their prejudices and other personal issues and quests without having to be held accountable for them, lol.
“It wasn’t us who rejected that employee/deactivated that contractor/denied that applicant that benefit/mimicked that artist’s artwork, etc. It was the algorithm or the AI.” Since neither an AI nor an algorithm is a human, the real humans can circumvent accountability because the legal system cannot punish either of these things.
You get the picture.
I have a love/hate relationship with these types of things. I’ve used them to make tasks easier for myself (separating and remastering an existing song, creating a resume with the data I provided, etc.), and they’re great for that. But they are much more harmful than good for us humans in the bigger scheme of things.
ALGOWARS was okay yesterday. It takes time for me to learn and for it to learn. The issue is that it has already had a lot of data put into it from past sessions, and now I want its output to be different. It’s easier to “train” it when there is no previous data. That’s why it’s much easier for a new person to make more money, at least in the beginning.
I also don’t know how much of the output that I’ve been receiving has come from the algo itself or manual overrides from the other side. Such is life in this ambiguous new version of the world.
One more thing I need to say today just for GP. Just because someone has a high interest in tech, algos, AI, mechanical/technical stuff, etc. and does not fit a certain physical description (white male) does not make them autistic or “special.” The fact is that there are many intelligent and talented people out here who don’t look the way the world expects them to.