I Changed My Voice Too, Lol (Dream)

*Written in the AM*

I just woke up from a dream.

I was inside of a large home. It was mine, but it wasn’t recognizable as one I’d lived in before. I was spending time with a benevolent male party during the first part of the dream.

I remember having good interactions with him, but I don’t remember exactly what the interactions were. I remember us doing general “fun and playful things” (not sex related or anything). Just having some kind of clean and silly fun.

We both had the ability to fly, so I vaguely remember us flying around chasing each other around the house and giggling like kids do. I also remember the outline of his face and him smiling, but his identity is not clear enough to say who he is at this time. He’s a benevolent white guy, and that’s all I know.

Same dude who was in the last dream? IDK. I guess. He had the same good energy, but there was much more interaction. I still can’t quite see him clearly, though. I can only see him clearly while I’m in the dream but can’t bring that vividness to recall after I wake up.

Anyway, everything was cool until the house phone in the kitchen started ringing. It was an old-school phone with an old-school hookup, except the hookup was on the ceiling.

It had a long cord, but I still had to “walk” over to it to answer it. I put quotes on the term “walk” because I didn’t actually walk. I flew over to it and then pulled it down to where I could stand on the floor and talk.

The voice on the other end first sounded friendly, almost like a telemarketer, but I couldn’t tell if it was a man or woman. He or she said they had the wrong number. Then its voice rapidly changed from that friendly fake telemarketer voice to an obvious male voice and asked me how I was doing. He started stuttering and saying incoherent things as I tried to make sense of the purpose of the call.

Then he changed his voice again to a deeper male voice, said my name, and admitted that he had disguised his voice just to get me on the phone. After that, his voice changed to something unbearably dark and demonic sounding. Gross.

I answered, “Ooh. So you’re a demon, huh? Well, go to hell, demon, in the precious name of {insert Hebrew name of Our Savior}. While I was saying this, I changed my voice several times and stretched out the pronunciation of Savior’s name just for added emphasis, lol. There was no need for me to hang up the actual phone, though, because the nightmare ended, and I woke up immediately.

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