Introduction to the Bible, Psyche, Individuation, and Old Testament
All quotes from Edward F. Edinger, The Bible and the Psyche Individuation Symbolism in the Old Testament
p. 9
Individuation means becoming a single, homogeneous being, and in so far as “individuality” embraces our innermost, last, and incomparable uniqueness, it also implies becoming one’s own self. We could therefore translate individuation as “coming to selfhood” or “self-realization.”
p. 9
Individuation is the process of the ego’s encounter with and progressive relation to the Self.
p. 11
We must read the Bible or we shall not understand the psychology. Our psychology, whole lives, our language and imagery are built upon the Bible. C.G. Jung
p. 11
Jung, “a scientific psychology must regard those transcendental intuitions that sprang from the human mind in all ages as projections, that is as psychic contents that were extrapolated in metaphysical space and hypostatized.”
very interesting…..
I do hope that it will be.
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Whew. I was long overdue in visiting you. It’s been NUTS in my neck of the woods.
I have read the Bible from beginning to end, to become familiarized with the content… but I find it restricting to allow any given philosophy rule your life w/o questioning it.
What has been going on that you’ve been so busy?
I’m not Christian, well I kind am. I’m Hermetic and believe in all religions except like Satanism–anything that is pure evil. Even though I share some of the multiple meanings of the text, the main message is alchemical–psychological. I’m dissecting the Bible through a psychology lense. The symbology is in my novel, and it is also a guide to tell an incredible story. Tiriel is the main character, and his wife is Sophia. Sophia represents Divine Wisdom, and together the two represent the anima and animus.
@raphaeltiriel – Mostly crap with work… and then the overly panicked local government hindering everyone’s business with this latest thing… had to rearrange a ton of stuff. I’m backed up in my e-mail by about 2 weeks :
I suppose I’m Christian by upbringing and habit, but while I tend to allow myself a relationship with God, I don’t necessarily subscribe to one with religion, because I see it as a tool to “handle” masses, in a way, to keep control over them. I don’t stand in anyone’s way who might want to complement their life with any such relationship, it doesn’t bother me, but I’ve never felt comfortable with someone telling me how to do/say/think something.
As for what I BELIEVE, I believe in anything that exists; the only things you can’t believe in are those that don’t exist. Satanism IS real, so we have no choice but to believe it (following is a choice, believing is not). Also, Satanists are not (in their majority) necessarily Devil worshippers or evil. To them, Satan is a symbol of individuality and potential, NOT a deity (this is true of the originator of the Church of Satan, btw). There are religions that have more evil in them than Satanism ever will.
Oh damn, are you doing okay? I hope things are better.
I’m not trying to make people believe what I believe. I’m just using this material to relate to my novel. I write with multiple meanings and this is one of those meaning the alchemical and Hermetic part. And what you wrote is cool because you shouldn’t be in other people’s way of what to believe.
It depends on the meaning of how you want to use the word belief.
After I left Christianity the first religion that I went to was Satanism–I was one. Anton LaVey was not technically the founder of Satanism. Most it, especially the magic, came from Aleister Crowley. I was told that it was like worshiping yourself in the beginning like you are God. I followed through with some things. In the end, yes, they worship Satan. Satan wants to convince the world he doesn’t exist, and he doesn’t want you to know that this is his world.
Once I left, a lot of bad shit happened in my life and at the moment, I don’t want to talk about it because it is why I have PTSD. There are two portions to Hermetics because Hermetics is like Hermes himself–there are a light and dark side–Satanists know the Darkside of Hermes. I know practice the White side–the Light.
@raphaeltiriel – I meant they don’t worship Satan as a deity, but as a symbol of personal traits (and yes, much related to how each of us is like God, even if in a twisted way). Don’t worry about going into details, you don’t need to, particularly if it brings back anxiety that way. I’m glad whatever was harming you is out of your life!
Yes, negativity–out, lol. Sounds good, I’ll just leave it as is.
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