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November 21, 2019

Interesting! While I don’t necessarily subscribe to astrology, I took an astronomy class once, where the teacher, who probably thought he was a 5-foot, stocky resurrection of Elvis Presley (the hair!), talked about a bunch of interesting astrology bits, like how Polaris changes every 26,000 years (Phoenice being our current one)… and how the Zodiac birth sign changes in relation to which star becomes Polaris because of precession. He mentioned how, when our generation was born, we were already into a new 26,000 span, and thus the Zodiac, as we know it (minus Ophiucus, which I always thought was a hysterical name and wondered what the heck an Ophiucus person’s characteristics would be…), did NOT correspond to the animals that were originally assigned, BECAUSE of Polaris being the NS (whereas it would’ve been accurate for when Thuban was Polaris). When taking that into account, then, I discovered that I’m supposed to be a Piscis, not a Taurus. HA! Talk about opposites.

I remember all this not because I know all this stuff (I probably effed up some details, lol) but because I found it fascinating.

November 27, 2019


I have studied what he is talking about a lot.  What he is talking about is different from natal astrology for he is talking about the ages.  Earth transitions into new age about every 2,160 years and a Great Year would be a cycle through all the signs which are about 25,920 years.  We just entered Aquarius with is the age of science and technology, and the previous age was Pisces.  It is the reason why there is a struggle or war between science and religion.  The age of Pisces was Aries or the age of war and the cradle of civilization began with Taurus and is the age of birth and fertility.  There are various forms of astrology, but I always so to their own.

November 28, 2019

@raphaeltiriel – Love it. Taurus being for birth and fertility, and I don’t have kids  LOL.  Sigh. It was a fascinating class, but some of the stuff he explained was so detailed it was crazy to try remembering it all. I love that you have a passion for it, though.

I wish we had a 13th month, so we could insert Ophiucus in there somehow.

November 28, 2019


haha.  I will be getting into Taurus next, and I love Taurus–very home and family-oriented.  Do you plan on having kids?  I have a passion for many things.  I’m surprised at how much knowledge I can devour, lol.  I took two classes in astrophysics, so I gotch ;).

November 28, 2019

@raphaeltiriel – they say knowledge thirst is a sign of higher IQs – have you had yours tested? Not that all those tests can be fully reliable, but they give you an idea.

And yay for the upcoming Taurus! Let’s see how many things you nail hahaha  🙂

November 30, 2019


I’m great at nailing 😉.

I’ve been tested like 10 years ago, but I can tell that my intelligence has grown since.  My score was 131.  After much research on the IQ test, I have found out that those are that reliable and there is a new test that has come out that might be better.  Intelligence is nice, but I look for awareness.  You be a very intelligent person, but if you cannot put two and two together, then there is a problem.

I love Taurus.  I’m a Virgo, so I love all the Earth signs.  A hard thing to stay away from being an Earth sign is negativity cause it will drown us.  You need a foundation and normally, it is your home.  You need this environment to escape everything and recharge.  You love beauty in many forms.  You are sexual and loyal.  You can be stubborn at times and you are not afraid (normally) to push things or knock them over.

This is just off the top of my head.

November 30, 2019

*You can be

December 1, 2019

@raphaeltiriel – Nice numbers. I take those tests as entertainment, though, as they are not 100% reliable, but they’re a nice indication. Agree on the awareness factor – honestly, if you don’t put 2&2 together you’re not **intelligent**. I consider smart and intelligent two different things. One is a dependent factor, while the other is not.

Hahaha, I had to chuckle over “not afraid to push things or knock them over” because it’s not only true, but it totally describes my cat, and he’s not a Taurus 😛

December 1, 2019


Thanks!  And haha.

After I do the Aries thing, I am going to back to the Carl Jung Rosarium pictures, then I will be doing Taurus.  I have a lot to cover and also a lot of knowledge to download.

December 1, 2019


Oh, smart and intelligent are two different words.  I do not use the word smart because it comes from the word pain meaning that learning hurts.  Learning does not hurt my brain.  It wasn’t used for intelligence until the 1970s.  Intelligence, I believe comes from the Latin for I know.

December 1, 2019

@raphaeltiriel – Yes, and I use the two of them to differentiate between s/he who is good at memorizing processes, vs. s/he who is good at discovering, through actual work/research/use of the noggin’, how a process works.

December 2, 2019


I love your process