Lost Respect.
I briefly dated a young lady Near the end of 2011. She then started seeing a cousin of mine without knowing that we are family. It did not bother me that that happened, she younger than I and does not know what it is that she wants.
I texted with her a bit today. She told me that he rib was either sprained or she pulled a muscle. But before she toldme that, she said her story is that my cousin beat her up and she told her neighbor that so that he would beat up my cousin. She then proceeded to tell me that he knows she was only kidding. She only said that to him because he hates my cousin.
Either way, I lost any respect that I had for her.
I have no respect for anyone who claims, seriously or joking, that a man is a woman beater.
My ex claimed that I beat her when we were together. I have never hit a woman. I have had heated arguments with past girlfriends, in the heat of things, we had both said things that were hurtful to each other. Things that I have always regretted saying.
~Don’t listen or think about anything other people say about you. Just live your life and prove them wrong.~