9 Line Update
Often I sit at my computer, not sure what to write, what to say. Does anyone actually care about my semi boring life?
I have blocked Lady Love from Facebook.
There is not much new to write about. There are tons of things to write about.
I have started to question the concept of love once again. What is the purpose of it?
Does it even exist?
I was told that I need to learn to let go of my emotions for Lady Love. I think I am not sure if I let go of the emotions that I have for her, or if I pushed them over a 3,000 foot drop cliff?
I totally stole the entry title from a fav, although, not as many as hers was.
I built a wall around my heart from all the broken pieces of it, the binding agent used are all the tears that I shed in lost love.
I built the wall not to protect me anymore, but for someone who actually cares enough to break it down.
~Why cry anymore? It is a lost cause now.~
Rand al’Mawer, 2011