Therapy [edit] [editX2]

odat online sobriety counter
One Day at a Time

[Edit:  Associated news story is HERE.]

[Edit X2:  OK, so no one finds this the least bit interesting?  At least my male readers must admit she’s hot.  That’s interesting, right?  This chick even has a website:  And this is not porn (but at the same time, probably "not safe for work", LOL).  I thought it was crazy at first, but not so, after further research.  She clearly takes herself seriously, as far as the "therapy" goes.  This girl is brilliant, honestly, IMO.  She’s only 24 years old, and she is capitalizing on something huge here.  Aside from the "therapy" though, she does website design, modeling, a little bit of everything.  Capitalism, my friends.  She’s an entrepreneur.  She’s brilliant.  And I guarantee you she’s making money.  But me, I’ll be 30 in less than 12 weeks and what have I done?  College degree, yes.  But nothing to show for it.  Living with my parents, making $1000 a month.] 

Is this a joke?  WTF?

NYDaily News actually did this video, but I found a copy of it on youtube.  This is a legit news story.  Now, whether she is a legit therapist is another question.  I’m thinking she’s probably more of a cam girl than a therapist, but what do I know?

I swear, this chick looks just like my ex.  The resemblance is uncanny.


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