Date Night
Today was a good day. Very restful most of the day, as weekends should be.
I had a date with J at 5PM. This was our first date. We met online and have been talking on phone and text for a couple weeks. It was nice. We met for coffee then went to the arcade. Sounds dorky but it was fun, lol. We were hungry so we went to a nice Italian place. I am on a Keto diet so I got a steak salad. Yeah, who knew such a thing existed. It was very smooth, almost no awkwardness at all as far as first dates go. At least I didn’t perceive any. Who knows what she was thinking. I normally get really nervous on dates but I felt at ease with her. Could this be the one that works out? Who knows. It seems the odds are against it. I seem to have no trouble getting the first date. It’s the second date and beyond where I seem to screw up every time, or have really bad luck. She is a great girl. But I’m not going to get my hopes up. We stayed out until about 10pm. She seemed to enjoy my company and told me she was in no hurry for the date to end, even though she has to be up at 6am tomorrow.
Grand Rapids is a nice city. Wouldn’t mind spending a lot of time there. It’s less than an hour drive for me from Kalamazoo.
We had some snow flurries this evening. That’s just strange to me. I’m from GA where it’s usually 80 degrees on Easter.
Sounds like a lovely first date! Hope you snag the second.
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Delightful that you had a good first date. If things don’t work out, then he’s not the one for you and it’s good that you know that as soon as possible so you can move on and meet someone else.
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