Yay productivity
So I tried to be as productive as possible today in spite of the ice and snow still piled everywhere.
I got my new tire on, the rim was fine after all, yay. I got some paperwork filed for insurance, all the good it will do me since I probably will only have insurance up until August or so. I think I will be going to Florida after all. We’ll see how that goes.
I also went and got some groceries. And new underwear. I have to be the only person I know of who complains because they’re losing weight. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that I’m losing weight. But I want to know where it’s going! I am not losing pounds, just inches, which is really bizarre. But you know you’re losing weight when your underwear no longer fit. And I mean, underwear that is practically brand new! I bought a set about a month and half ago and it’s still falling off my hips and getting lost in my pants. And it’s really annoying to have to go fishing for those suckers when I’m walking down the hall. So it’s either get used to being uncomfortable or go commando. And it’s really cold so I kind of like that whole layers thing. So I bought some new undies, I’m excited about that sadly.
Ok, gotta go finish getting ready for bed. Classes resume normal schedule tomorrow. Yay me.
~*~*~Blessed Be~*~*~