thinking aloud

I don’t have much going on write now.  Nursing a food-baby from Golden Corral where Isaac and I had dinner tonight.  I saw him basically tonight to enjoy a little bit of time with him before he goes to drill for the weekend.  He leaves at o-dark-thirty in the morning tomorrow and won’t be back until Sunday afternoon-evening-ish.  So we got dinner and enjoyed each other’s company for a few hours.  And now I’m sitting here in the cold, contemplating putting away laundry.  I really don’t want to fuss with it tonight because I’m exhausted. The only reason I really got on the computer was to check email and catch up on some of my faves.  I’m not doing well at that.  I keep yawning and dozing off a bit.  Not really dozing, more just staring at the screen lost in thought.

I want to get Isaac something ‘wearable’ from me for while he is overseas.  He’s getting me my necklace (supposedly) but I don’t know what to get him.  He has a ring that he wears all the time but he only wears that one.  I don’t want to get him another one.  He can’t really wear his earrings while he’s overseas.  I don’t know that he’d wear a bracelet even if he was allowed.  (A masculine chain-link kind of one.  They have engraved ones at Things Remembered I’ve looked at.)  But I’d like to get him something like a charm or something he can wear on his tags.  I just don’t know what to get.  I’d like one that has my name on it or something but that seems like a bit much.  Maybe a clover or something, I really just don’t know.

It’s a little hard because I’m not sure what would be appropriate.  I mean 6-7 (it will be 7 months by the time he leaves but right now it’s only been 6) months of dating and he’s leaving for at least 6 months.  They’ve been told officially, the tour will be six months but that can always change once they’re gone.  So yeah.  I want to get him something but I’m not sure what would be ‘too much’ considering the status of our relationship which is still only quasi-serious.  We have not entered the realm of serious (at least according to him during our last conversation about it).  We are a little bit more than ‘just dating’ but not at the ‘serious’ mile-marker yet.  I’m not sure what exactly that mile-marker is…oh well.

I think my brain has officially checked out for the evening so I’m going to wrap it up and head to bed.





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I will be thinking about this…