NoJoMo Day 12: better late
So yesterday was rather uneventful. Went to work, went for run, didn’t make it to the post office after all or have my skype date. Decided I wanted to go out and play pool and no one was free. Ran into Kale at the store when I went to visit/pre-shop for Christmas. Ended up going over and seeing the new house. He has another room he is thinking of renting out. I am honestly working on getting that room. He wants $500/month but I said I’d be willing to negotiate housework and cooking for taking off some of the rent. He also knows that I live at home. So maybe in January I’ll be moving out on my own. We’ll see.
Had an awkward moment too. Kale and I were talking and Doug came up and we were having a good little conversation going and I had that ‘a-ha’ moment standing there when I realized I was having a conversation with the last 2 guys that I was messing around with before Isaac…. o_O I couldn’t help but wonder if they knew about each other or had talked to each other about it. (I know some guys do and some don’t, Doug wouldn’t be one of those guys but Kale strikes me as one who would talk sex with the guys.) We ended up at Grady’s with the other roommate and just had some beers and hung out. Was up at 6:45am for my meeting, home now for a bit to change and drag my feet before I have to go back and work. Bleeeeeeh. I so don’t want to work today. I want to go back to bed! *dies*
Oh well. I’m sure I will post another entry later when I get off work.