All or Nothing at All
So lately I feel like either I’m swinging at one extreme or another in life. Momster is either giddy with joy and good will or she’s a psycho bitch. Yesterday she was giddy, last night was psycho bitch. I went from having a decent life to a shitty one all over again in 60 seconds. Then of course this morning she’s back to being just this side of giddy all over again. I am seriously stuck on a rollercoaster and I can’t get off. I swear, I’m going to move out and when I do I am cutting all ties with her. People think I’m joking or over-reacting. But after 24 years of this bullshit, I’m tired of it. I’m tired of her doing everything to make me feel worthless and useless and like I’m a horrible human being. I’m not. I know I’m not. I do stupid things, yes. Sometimes I’m thoughtless, guilty. But everyone has moments like that. I’m also kind to people who need it, I help people who are in need, I am there for my friends and family. It’s just not fair that she can make me feel like I’m some kind of parasite or something. Ugh.