
I’m alive.  Not well, but alive.  Really wishing there had been a real hurricane and that maybe I’d been killed at this point.

No I’m not depressed, I’m fucking fed up.

I have been up since 7am, random wake up and couldn’t get back to sleep (this is what I mean by unwilling morning person).  Since then here’s what I’ve dealt with:

  • Insurance policy deciding to cancel/change itself.  Also, my payment increasing from the phenomenal $80/month to almost $100/month which is still better than the $125 that I was paying but kind of pissed.  My payments will also now be on the 13 of the month instead of the 31st.  Supposedly my first payment was going to be due on the 13 of this month but looking at my policy online it is scheduled to debit out both months on 10/13.  Likely I will pay it in smaller pieces over the next 2 months.
  • Dealing with my student loan and trying to find out if the earthquake and hurricane have completely thrown off the automatic enrollment notification that one loanholder was supposed to receive.  Sent them an email asking if they have at least RECEIVED the paperwork if it is isn’t processed fully yet.  Still have to pick up and mail the paperwork for the other loanholder so chances are I will still have to pay my loans this month.
  • Had to call and apply for a payment extension on my car loan.  Explained to the rep about the job situation and of course she was sympathetic.  Said that I had an option if I needed to to speak with a consultant about refinancing and possibly lowering my interest rate.  Something to think about, maybe next month, when I’m not dealing with so many crises.
  • Then of course there is my credit card payments, my cell phone bill, etc., you know, the normal stressors I deal with that are within an acceptable stress level range.
  • It’s only 9am.
  • I still have to figure out this moving nonsense.
  • I still have to make sure that I can continue to be enrolled in classes in the spring but if the classes I need aren’t available I’m screwed.
  • I still have to take my national test.
  • I still need to take the PCAT.
  • It’s only 9am.

Still supposed to go to the fair at the end of the month, obviously at this point, not sure how that will work out.  Kay also wants to go for the whole weekend.  While having the time off is no longer a big deal because I’d get the same hours regardless, not sure about the finances of driving up there and spending a whole weekend.  On the upside, Labor Day is time & a half plus 8 hours of holiday so I’ll be getting a technical 39 hours (plus that time & 1/2).  If I’m not making a car payment then I should be okay to pay all my bills and still have some gas/food money for that weekend.

At this point, I just want it to be October because by then hopefully all of this crap will have settled down.

My family wants me to save money.  At this rate it doesn’t matter what I do, I can’t SAVE money.  I have also discussed with my pharmacist about how I plan to approach our district pharmacy supervisor for a raise.  I am the lowest paid technician on our staff.  Even the part-timer who works 1 night a week makes more an hour than I do.  I am completely trained and certified so I have the ammunition to back up my request.  A dollar might not seem like much more but it’s at least another $30 a week, if not more.  That $30 at this point would be greatly appreciated.


I need a vacation from my life but only if someone else is taking care of my bills for me while I’m gone.  Otherwise I’d spend the whole vacation stressing about money.

Oh yeah, I might not be able to go to Tough Mudder after all because, let’s face it, I might not have the money.  They never did get back to me about the camping thing.  And to drive 2 hours there and back for 2 days, is basically 2 tanks of gas (It’s like a tank and a half I think).  As much as I want to volunteer and go, I just don’t think I can do it.  Maybe I’ll still try to go for one of the days.  We’ll see.  A lot of it is going to depend on how the rest of this month plays out I’m sure.  Only the second and I’m ready to keel over.  This is pathetic.

Can I get a new life now please?  Or a sugar daddy?  Something!!!







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