Today was a nightmare. I couldn’t get anyone to work for me so I spent the entire 8 hours hobbling around. My ankle is killing me. Thank goodness I wore a compression wrap because it kept the swelling to a minimal. My palms are better, they are still crazy sore but they aren’t killing me like they were this morning. Didn’t help that I kept stabbing myself with paper and pens and keyboards. Plus I figure the more I use them normally the more I’ll get used to the hurt. The pharmacist said it looked like I had stigmata because of where the scrapes are on my palms and the fact that they look a little like holes.
I haven’t seen Isaac today and I don’t think I will. He said I could stop by and visit him at the store. . . . . Um no. I’m in pain. I’m not going to hobble around the store like a jackass with nothing to do but wait for you to NOT be with a customer for 5 minutes, nor am I going to sit around and wait for you to get off when I could be at home icing my ankle (which I am) and you won’t get off for another hour even after the store has closed. WTF? Seriously?? I’m hungry, I hurt, why would I do any of those things to have 5 minutes of your time? I have better things to do like take care of myself. Plus I have to work at 8am now instead of 10, on the upside I get off at 4 instead of 8 so I’m excited about that. Especially since I need to go and get my nails done, one broke today.
I’m hungry but I really don’t feel like cooking but I don’t really want to leave the house either. Decisions decisions.