WOW Entry #4

Surprised that I’ve started entry #4……Thought about why it’s so hard for me to write here.  The main reason must be that I have always been a very, VERY private person.  I have always felt that my business is just that…my business!  A secondary reason is that every time I have ever opened myself up to someone or confided in someone I was betrayed. Things were used against me.  SO, I’ve learned to keep things to myself…..especially my feelings.  I have been betrayed by friends, relatives…….anyone that I’ve ever gotten close to…………Not worth the risk anymore.

I still have not heard from my (former?) email friend.  Not a peep!  Don’t know whether or not to send another note.  I just wish I could get an explanation.  If it was just a joke, I would have received a reply by now. Don’t understand, here…………..

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January 17, 2008

you know, if you type up an entry that you don’t want to share, put it on private. It’s sometimes just good to get it all out. it makes me feel better to write it out sometimes. I’m glad you’re still here 🙂 hugs

January 17, 2008

Someday you are going to be writing #400 and think, “Wow, who would have thought!” :->

That’s the great thing about writing here, you are anonymous. That makes it much harder to be betrayed. I trust people on here much more than I trust most people in my “real” life. And most here are really there for each other once they get to be friends. I know from personal experience how hard it is to trust after being betrayed. I hope that you can come to trust some of us. hugs. If you want you could leave your email in a private note and we could communicate that way if it makes you more comfortable. You don’t have to worry about me being a stalker since I am agoraphobic and barely leave the house. 😀

January 21, 2008

Thanks for stopping by my diary and leaving the note about forgiveness. Welcome to OD. I hope you come to love it as much as I do. I wonder if someone other than your friend sent that email, someone maybe jealous of your long friendship. It just doesn’t make sense that your friend would turn on you like that. Wishing you well.

January 22, 2008

Hi, I just now found your diary and read back a bit. Welcome to Open Diary. That weird email from your friend would have been offensive to me, too. I guess all you can do is email again, offer an apology for any hurt feelings that you aren’t even aware of, and see what happens. Very strange indeed.

January 22, 2008

Hi! I saw your note on Starbright’s diary and decided to stop by and visit. I hope you hear from your friend soon.

I understand what you mean about being betrayed. My ex would always take things I said, twist them around, and throw them back in my face. It got to where I was afraid to say anything. And if your e-mail friend wants to end the relationship, she at least owes you an explanation.

January 25, 2008

Have you heard back from your email friend yet? I assume you don’t know them in real life and can’t call or visit them. Therefore, my advise would be to send another email and stress the fact that you are worried that something might have happened to them since you haven’t heard from them. Don’t mention anything about you or their email. Just that you are worried. Good luck! ~Jerry