Try again
I will try to write again….actually I have written twice before and instead of saving it to my diary I deleted them after reading them. WHY?….
Well, today I need to deal with something. I have (maybe, had) an e-mail friend for a long time but today she sent me an e-mail containing this:
without anything else. I took it personally instead of a joke. I went back through all the e-mails I sent her to see if I had offended her in any way at all and I can’t find anything at all that would be offensive. I replied and asked if she wanted me to quit sending her any e-mails or had I misinterpeted it. No response yet. Maybe I’ve over-reacted……I try so very hard to be kind to people because I’ve been on the receiving end of very cruel things all my life. Oh well, I’ll get over it…..I always do.
Life Goes On…..
RANDOM NOTE! Like a random cookie, only… Not.
That does seem like more of a joke then anything. 
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I’m sure it was just meant to be cute and funny but I also would have taken it the way you have. I am very sensitive and tend to think people mean things in the worst way possible in regards to me thanks to people having been so vile and hurtful to me during my lifetime thus far. For the most part, Opendiary has been the exception to that rule. hugs, so glad to see you have written something else and shared it with us.
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I would have felt the same way about getting that email but I tend to be overly sensitive too. Hopefully it was just meant to be a joke. Hope to see you writing more. I know..I should talk..I haven’t felt inclined to write much lately either. So much going on right now here. I hope to write a new entry soon. Have a great day!
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I always say altitude, it makes me feel better. You know like your higher up in the sky when it’s a bad day. msperfectionist
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awww, I’m with the others- that she must have sent it as a joke, but I hope she lets you know soon cus I know that feeling when you have NO CLUE why someone did something.
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Well, if that wasn’t a joke, it was a pretty cruel way to say she wants to end the friendship!
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