I guess that is what you could call me. The READER….an Open Diary Reader…
I visit OD everyday, often several times a day. I immediately go to my bookmarks, scroll down to the first bold name in the listing and start to read. I have several favorites in my bookmarks and I’m delighted when I see one in bolded print because I get to read another chapter of one of my OD friends. I can spend all of my computer time reading the new entries and noting here & there. It gives me much pleasure to read all of the diaries that I follow. And I have learned many things from others that I wouldn’t have otherwise. I recently found a couple of new diarists that I can’t wait to read each day!
I’ve had many ask me when I will write but after reading others, I feel that I don’t really have much to write about. I live a quiet life with not much of anything going on. I live in a rural area where I can see a body of water from my windows. I feed the birds & squirrels and watch them. Occasionally I see other wildlife. I rejoice in the peacefulness that I have now.
I still have just one cat that is not a people-cat. She prefers to be left alone although I wish she was more of a lap cat. I have resisted the urge to get another cat. A friend told me I needed a dog but I had many dogs over the years so I know the work involved in that! A low maintenance pet is what I need at this time in my life.
Today is sunny here but cold. Can’t wait for spring so I can get outside and work in the yard & my flower beds. Nothing spectacular, but they bring enjoyment to me.
Like I said, I don’t have much to say so I guess I’ll just get back to reading……
"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats."–Albert Schweitzer
I’d like to hear more of the views towards the body of water. I take pictures as a hobby and I love scenic views (wildlife included). ; )
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LOL, I’m the same way!!!
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It’s funny because when I saw your name in Bold just now I immediately clicked on it thinking Hey look who updated. I’ve become more of a reader myself these days as well. Thanks for the update.
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LOL, thank you for stopping by. I write regularly. My dad gave up red meat, and my mom and sister are vegetarians.
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I do a lot of weaving something out of nothing, it seems. My life is very dull in many ways but, like you, I am very happy to be living it. I enjoy your comments on my page. They inevitably leave me wanting to know you better. Mystery becomes you.
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I have a lap cat, she is on my lap right now as a matter of fact!
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It sounds like you live a wonderful, peaceful life. :o) !! My life is wonderful but not peaceful…. I mean, I am sometimes far too busy. But one day when I’m older, I want to live much like you do! :o) !! hugs, Nicky (who is glad you wrote something)
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I have a little dog that I share my life with. She can be a nuisance but she’s not lot of work and I appreciate her company.
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I am the same way about dogs, love ’em, had ’em. Proud owner of a tortoise, snake and some fish now.
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Your life sounds wonderful. I used to have a house where I could look out onto our pond and the wildlife. I miss it so much!
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RYN: Here’s the lemon pudding cake recipe I used (but there are lots!):
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RYN: Can’t find a link for the sweet potato biscuits, but again, there are lots of recipes on-line. I’m not sure I’d make my particular version again. I might try these instead:
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I couldn’t imagine my life without my 2 fur kids.Casie Marie Boo Boo Head a mix of chow,cocker and golden ret. Romeo McGuillicuddy a Japenese Chin.Yes it is alot of work but an extra heartbeat or two in the house is always nice.They get me outside and moving.Gives me a chance to see things that I normally would miss.Lola Falana
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Nice to read a little something from you. I will write when I get the chance.
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I have two elderly cats that I adopted from someone who was giving away all of her pets. Neither cat likes to be held but they sure as heck like to lie on top of me at night. The saying that “Dogs think you are a god but cats know THEY are the gods,” is oh so true.
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ryn No I’m not leaving here. It’s funny that writing at the other place makes me write here more. Are ragdolls a type of cat? I wish I could/would spend more time in the garden. Maybe this year….
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RYNRMN: Thank you. I still miss Sally.
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Stop by anytime. I can tell by this entry we have some common interests. Yard work and flower gardens and I also try to raise some veggies during the summer months. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. I will add you to my favs so can read more if you like.
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A view of a body of water, wildlife and flower beds.. sounds perfect to me… Thanks for posting…
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Cute quote at the end there.
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Oh, you posted an entry! Lovely! How did I miss it?! Then I discovered that though you are on my Friends list, you weren’t on my Bookmarks list! (You definitely are now) I used to read OD daily without writing – but that was back in 2001 and I hadn’t even joined. It took me about six months to join, then leave my first note! Your life sounds pleasant – and with plenty to tell us about. As a foreigner who never sees them, I think squirrels are interesting! And cats, of course. And that body of water sounds so relaxing! What flowers are in your garden in spring? RYN: I don’t know if you live alone, but I find it’s much more of a challenge to eat well because I do. Cooking for one doesn’t always fit the standard recipes, and I find it more of an effort to cook for myself than for others. (Maybe I wouldn’t if I had to cook for others every day.) I am now much better at it, usually cook in bulk then freeze most of it in single-serve portions. (Right now I have enough rice in the freezer to last nearly a month!)
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RYN: Maybe your daughter can do a re-enactment of her 5 year old performance for you. ; )
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RYN: LOL, until I started teaching I was scared of boys. I think they are great now. Last years seniors made me deal with any fears I had and helped me love them and their strange ways. Still glad for my girls though. I have one grandson who is about 18 months old and i wouldn’t trade him for ten girls. Not yet anyway!
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RYN/It’s the law here also but it isn’t enforced. As far as my neighbor, he is selfish, lazy and a druggie!
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Even though I still work, my life is quiet too. There is always something to write about. I need to do it more often.
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RYN/ Right after Mom died I found $280 stuck in a vase. So I’ve tried to be very careful about looking into everything before getting rid of it.
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I’m glad you found my diary to read. I enjoy your notes! I would love to hear about your flower gardens, and hope you will write a little more often at least. One of my two favorite diarists on here wrote mostly about life on her farm. Sadly, she is gone now. I love my cat, and she is low maintenance too!
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ryn: Thank you for stopping by and sending along your kind wishes. They are very much appreciated. Your life sounds a lot like mine. Nothing better than wildlife, birds and cats. Best wishes to you.
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am including you in my friends only. that is the only way i can exclude my family, and believe me i have good reason to exclude…have some excitement coming down this month. friends only info
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RYN: It’s a bit hard to imagine snow here right now; it’s only midday and the temperature is already above 80 F Hopefully your weather and ours will soon see sense and grow more alike as the silly seasons pass.
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Thank you for your note. ; )
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ryn about the ex and money. HAHAHA! Never had any, never will. Well, not until he gets part of mine!
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Thanks for your sweet note. I would love to hear your daily things & thoughts. I always feel like my enteries might get too “blah” so I write happy enteries, but then thought, hey I should write what I feel. So I hope you will do the same, even if you think its boring, others like me will enjoy reading it ok?? Sweet dreams, Hugs Turtle
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RYN: Yes, I like the Johnny Nash version too, and I had planned on using it, but then I saw the one I posted, didn’t say who the artist is but I thought it was Jimmy Cliff. But what I loved about it is the images in the video. So cool.
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Come and read my diary as often as you like. Thank you for your interest.
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Thanks for stopping by. I also like gardening and feeding the birds.
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thanks for your note.
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Lovely writing, to be sure. Thanks for the word of caution. I am NOT giving out my e-mail no matter who asks for it. And since most of the noters are from far flung places, I doubt I’ll see anyone either. It’s an exercise in futility. I have another 25 weeks to go… LOL
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I’m glad you took the time to write anyway! Thanks for the note. I used to have heel spurs – got orthotics and they’re gone. I make sure to get shoes with strong arch support… Easy Spirit works well for me. I walked on the track today – easier on the joints for sure, but BORING.
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Thanks for your notes.. So many people talk about wanting/needing to write. Very few admit to being dedicated readers.. Readers are special.. I am so glad you enjoy it.. However, don’t be too reluctant to tell your own story.. Everyone has one!
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ryn: ryn: I already told my friend to get KMR… on the trip home. The woman whose kitten it was said that baby is already eating dry kitten food… from Purina. Gotta change that!!
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Thanks for the note. Lots of great tunes from Bread. ; )
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RYN: I agree 100%. ; )
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There is no KOA near. 38 an night ? Might steep for price for 6 montbs and that is the current KOA rates .
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This was beautiful to read. Perhaps you miss the beauty in your words. I told my cat it was not a lap cat and it became one. Looked really strange at first but settled down to it. He refuses to sit on my lap but sits on hubbies. We are cats servants. Dogs are our friends. chuckles
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There are no KOA’s anywhere within 50 miles of where I’m at. Not to mention the fact that I’ve never liked them.
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There are no KOA’s anywhere within 50 miles of where I’m at. Not to mention the fact that I’ve never liked them.
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Thanks for your note … I think part of my sorrow over losing the friend/neighbor was that her birthday was the day my sister Nancy passed away. Our younger son’s birthday is the 3rd so there were highs and lows that week. Blessings to you… be well. T
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Was just noting your interests… we think alike!
I don’t know who Bill Bryson is, however, and am unfamilar with Savage Garden. The rest is all things I identify with completely.
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Did I know you at Third Age? Whether I did or not, I know you now and I do cherish your notes. Thank you.
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RYN: If you can, interogate them of Bugsy’s where abouts. Law enforcement is looking everywhere for him. ; )
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ryn: thanks for reminding me about farm stores! We have lots of ’em, and I never even thought about them! That is where I will look when we go shopping tomorrow. :o) !! hugs, Nicky
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It took me 12 hours to get here the first flying. I’then spent 2 weeks getting on the average 3 hours of sleep per night well sleeping on a cockroach infested coach in a house so feel sick but I took out 48 bags that is contrator bags off trash. I scrubbed cleaned washed Cleaned out the cat poop on the floor And all those clothing that was laying all over the floors Then turned around and so backto Las Vegas too close my house
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And pack my rig and drive back averaging 300 miles a day. On arrival here I am mediately was put to work With the house and the kids. I don’t think I want to be anywhere in Illinois Let alone in my daughter’s driveway. personally I think my life is hell I will not be staying in her drive this city will not allow me to stay here the next city over will allow me to stay there and I can have 30amp and water and sanctuary at least two days out of the week
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I am plenty P OED . And have considered just Deleting my diary Because it seems like the majority of the people haven’t got a clue And there’s so much I cannot say. I am totally exhausted. I’m praying to God in heaven that I get some slack somewhere sometime somehow someway. have repeatedly told my daughter I need to rest but like everyone else she doesn’t seem to comprehend
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I used Google speech for those above notes For the most they make sense
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RYN: I remember Shindig, but not Hullabaloo.
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Thanks for the link to Hullabaloo, but I don’t remember ever seeing that one. And I can’t think of another show with “Beat” in the title. And it’ll bug me until I think of it. ; )
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Thank you for your note! I’m the same way; I don’t write that often because sometimes my life seems pretty blah or the things going on are not yet for the public (i.e. lawsuits). I have seven cats and a kitten; four cats and the kitten are cuddle cats while three don’t like to be held – when I pick them up they push against me and tolerate me. Of course that makes me want to hold them regularly!
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RYN: Even better to be there. ; ) But because not everyone can be there, I take pictures to capture that moment in time at that place on Earth. A second later is a different moment. Thanks for your compliment and note. ; )
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Hello, I’m glad you stopped by. So you like gardening too? I love it…just came in from hours of yard work and I’m just pooped. Gardening is so rewarding though.
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Thanks for your note. I guess it’s easy to sound magnanimous in an entry, but you must know I seethed for awhile. You probably have much more to rite about than you realize. Sounds as if you are a thoughtful person who notices the world around her.
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ryn: There aren’t many but there are a few really hateful people around OD. You have never been anything but nice to me and you are welcome at my diary. I appreciate your notes.
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ryn: pillows…. go to and check them out. they are sometimes advertized on tv so do a search on your tv and maybe they will be on sometimes. they cost $60 and well worth the price. they might say they are $80, so used the discount code if you order them online. not sure what’s in them but if they get uncomfortable… just wash them. then, put them in the dryer and they are as good asthe first day. they are also guaranteed for 10 years. blake has one, angela and kurt each have one. i have two. when you order them, don’t get the fill for the women. get the men’s green i think it is. angela got the woman’s fill and didn’t much like, said it was too flimsy. you can sorta mold it to fit your head and support your neck. i LOVE mine! take care,
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i always thought i wanted a low maintenance pet but, when my cat died i thought long and hard about it. after my husband died i thought long and hard again. a couple of my sisters did their best to talk me into getting a dog. i thought about it and said no then i said maybe then i said no. i looked online and then i went to the pound and then i said no. one day we stopped to get my daughter’s dogsome new treats and there she was!! this cute little dog that looked a lot like a chihuahua but then not. i got on my knees to pet her. she ran up to me and licked my nose. oh! i fell in love and wanted a little dog. found out that dog was up for adoption. filled out the paperwork, paid the fee and she was mine 2 days later! daisy is the best thing in the whole world that has happened to me. yes, i have to go outside in all kinds of weather so she can potty. but, if it’s too cold, the snow is too deep or it’s rainy she will do her business on piddle pads i have out in 2 rooms of the house. she wouldn’t have to go out to potty if i got to the point where i couldn’t take her out for some reason. i have never wanted a big dog but my chiweenie, chihuahua/mini dachshund mix is the perfect
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size for me! she’s about 9# and the sweetest dog ever! she lap sits better than any cat. it doesn’t have to be ‘her’ idea. i can want her to sit on my lap and she will stop what she’s doing and come sit. she loves to be covered up with a blanket all the time. but she’s up for anything i want to do. she’s right there beside me with her tail wagging ready to go or do. i decided that i didn’t want a cat again cause i didn’t want to be cleaning a litter box at the age of 80+, so i got a dog. and i’m very glad i did. didn’t realize how lonely i was til i got daisy. what sort of animals do you see out your window? do you have deer around? what sort of plants are you tending? do you grow any of your own food? is the water close enough you can go fishing? i love reading about other people and their lives. often what’s not exciting to one living the life is fascinating to others. take care,
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RYN: *grin* I write about the more interesting bits of my life, but overall it’s quite quiet. Just as my garden is beautiful in parts, my life is interesting in parts. Maybe that describes most people’s lives? I love that Albert Achweitzer quote!
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I am sure many of us would enjoy reading about your day. Thanks for noting.
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RYN: Trying to give you recipes would be futile. We sort of make it up as we go along. The chili gets ground chuck, chili beans, tomato sauce, crushed tomatoes, diced tomatoes, onion, a touch of garlic, salt, and chili powder. Cook until it’s the consistency you want it. The spaghetti gets ground chuck, bottled pasta sauce, crushed and diced tomatoes, onion, bell pepper, garlic, parsley, oregano, basil, and purchased meatballs. Cook until it’s the consistency you want it. Measurements are by gosh and by God—by eye and by taste. Every batch is a little different and, to my husband, the latest batch is the best ever!
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It would be nice to read an entry of your outside yard work you’ve done since the weather is now warm. I love learning about what fellow flower and veggie growers plant and how they take care of them. Just a thought or suggestion.
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ryn That might be Round Up – a chemical that kills almost all vegetation but does not have last long. The farmers can plant after the Round Up has killed the weeds. There are corn and soybeans that resist Round Up, thus can be sprayed after they come up. It’s magic – you have a weedy field. You spray it and the weeds die and the corn or soybeans are left. I’m planning a diary entry defendingMonsanto – that will really increase my popularity.
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Thank you for that very kind note!
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ah for the quiet life. The soulful meditative style. x
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Thanks for your note, glad you liked it. ; )
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Always happy to see a note from you. I’m going to look for those hollow pavers and do something about.that gravel patch.
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You could visit my diary if you want!
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RYN: I agree.. our furbabies love forever. I’m so glad I decided to keep mine. She keeps me happy. Have a good day. Hugs Turtle
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ryn, no. it will not be easier from now on, just less risk for having to clean up after a pissing pooping dog. will still be dealing with a diva, her mother and calvin…2 dogs and god only knows how many cats…
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sorry. it is just so damn hard. and there is so much that i cannot say, that when it sounds like some thinks it will be wonderful/good when we get to vegas? i cringe. there are the toilets. and the floors. and the walls. and oh god. the work.
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well, here after i will be just as hamstrung as you when it comes to what i post. and thereis so much i have not said and cannot say. so much. and btw? for a while i thought you were my older sister, who is currently not speaking to me because i have not come up to michigan (another 8 hours of driving one way) to see my dad who is totally deaf and 100% self centered. he spoke no more than 5 sentences to me all the time i was growing up and that included the sentence “pass the butter” hugs? never. praise? you have got to be kidding. i write to him. i never hear back. never. and i am supposed to drive 8 hours one way to see a man who asked me to leave when i drove over 2,500 miles 2 years ago just to see him? and my older sister is pissed because i am not going to michigan? and i thought for a while you were her because i had no information as to who you are, and she has a ragdoll cat. i have a dysfunctional family. sounds like you have the same. so sorry.
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RYN: Thank you, and how’ve you been? ; )
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You have many followers. I’m sure they would enjoy reading anything you write. That is how we get to know others.
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RYN: Here’s the recipe I used for the cheesecake. I used Mexican cheese instead of Monterey Jack, and I think that was a mistake. (Too spicy.) When I followed this recipe, it worked best. Enjoy! PS: I had a cat who lived to be 21. They are such wonderful pets! PPS: If the link doesn’t work, simply Google “southwestern cheesecake.”
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PPS: If you don’t have a springform pan, I think a pie pan would work just as well. Good luck!
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You’re welcome! I think you’ll like the recipe. A lot of my friends are intimidated by springform pans, so I tell them they don’t really need one, although I think it is “prettier” if you do use one. It’s not incredibly difficult to make, nor extremely expensive, and people seem to love it. Enjoy! I’ll come back and read some of your diary, too. The cat prints got to me! Claire
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morrigu and i are uncomfortable adding OD readers only to the divas diary. my apologies.
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Thanks for your note re: that Darth Twit guy. When I read his note on Tornado’s diary I was just furious. I’m glad he was not within reach or I might be in jail right now.
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Me again. Darth Twit left me a note even nastier than the one I left him(?) her(?) and said they were blocking me and I should go back to the kitchen where I belong. I laughed and deleted it. I would like to thank him/her but I’m block. Oh well LOL.
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soryn; oh that sounds so scary! i hope they can come up with a solution for her and soon! she is so young
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Thank you for your note.
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Thanks for your note. That stuff made me throw up last time, too, but I persisted. (Apparently it’s “better” if it’s chilled, but I could almost throw up just thinking about it.) I’m going to get it all down, though, because I do NOT want to go through this again. I really hate the prep more than the actual procedure, which is all sort of vague to me anyway. Well, by tomorrow at this time it willbe all over!
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Ryn: I don’ think I could manipulate the colour of the heleniums…the bees are so busy dusting pollen from the yelloe ones onto the orange ones. I have a blue hydrangea this year and I must get copper sulphate to make it really blue. Perhaps the pharmacy sells copper sulphate.
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By the way, is your entry Friends only? I guess I don’t have the privilege of reading your diary then.
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Thanks for noting me. I will add you to my bookmarks/friends list so you can read all of my entries.
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why in the hell is she not being tube fed? it is reversable and beats starving to death. man i would be in there screaming at the top of my heart and soul for her.
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my thoughts and my heart are with you.
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I appreciate your notes… I felt bad that I wasn’t leaving you any.. Now I know why,,.. You don’t write often.. Would love to read more from you…
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RYN: Unfortunately, I never got to see John Denver. It must have been very inspiring.
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ryn: thanks for your suggestion! I am going to get a dustbuster! :o) !! hugs, Nicky
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You’re welcome to “increase” your cat experiences via mine any time! Thank you for stopping by.
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Thank you, belatedly, for your note. I’m glad you enjoyed my entry.
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ryn about reading a lot of diaries. About half of them aren’t updating. I should get them off my list but maybe someday they will have something to say and if they aren’t on my life I won’t know about it. I did take off the dead people a while ago and some that haven’t updated in more than a year. And I don’t read everything people write. I have a few that I read everything they write but some I just check into from time to time. I really wanted to know how many were still writing here, is all.
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The last I knew was of a severe restriction of her food intake. How is she doing?
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RYN: Thanks for the note. Don’t think I’ve heard the other versions of the song. My fav is the Judy Garland version, partly just because I think she sings it soooo good, but especially because it was my mother’s favorite. ; )
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i’ve had cats and i decided that i didn’t want to be cleaning a litter box when i was 80 years old. so, i decided after my hubby died and my cat died that i’d get a dog. i have a sweet little 9# chiweenie (chihuahua/mini dachshund mix)that is the greatest company. she’s always with me and the excitement she shows when i come home is the best thing in the world. my life is very quiet. i really don’t have much to write about but i have this need to write and keep track of my life so i write… even if i have nothing to say. take care,
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Thank you for your kind note
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RYN: Thank you. And a very happy Christmas to you too, and best wishes for the New Year.
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RYN: Thank you, and Merry Christmas. ; )
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thank you for your nice note:) Merry Christmas:)
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hello and thanks for your note – I am now on Prosebox too under same name. Are you there as Ragdolls? I’ll try to find you. In the meantime, my very best wishes, A
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RYN: Will you be on Prosebox as Ragdolls? I’ll go look for you.
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re your note: I have the same name in Prosebox. I’ll look for you.
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I’ve been on PB since September. I knew this was coming eventually.
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