WOW…it’s been nearly two years since I wrote anything here. Hard to believe
I visit most every day and have several favorites that I read daily. I just don’t have much to write about.
I lost my job and have been trying to find things to fill that void. I do help my daughters with babysitting and I have a very close friend from childhood that I converse with everyday. I like to read and be on the computer.
My note on the front of this diary mentioned that I lost my elderly cat but I have gotten another one of the same breed. Where my first one was very sweet this one has a streak of the devil in her. She bites for no reason….you can be petting her and she appears to really enjoy it then all of a sudden out come the fangs and as fast as a cobra you’ve been hit. I hope she will outgrow this horrible habit. I got her shortly after the death of my first one so she is no longer a kitten. I wasn’t planning on getting another one so soon but through a strange set of events this second one found her way to me.
I read in the diaries that the weather is crazy all over….same story here. Cold and snow for way too long now. Ready for Spring.
RYN: I am going to look for that book series. Thank you.
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RYN: Thank you for your kind and thoughtful notes.
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Youre right. Sarah figures that it was by reading my diary that he found out she had been letting the dogs in the house while he was at work. He did turn Sarah against me for many years, but what disappoints me the most is that she let him. But that is all past now. He dug the pit and now he is stuck in it.
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I share your concern about the ponds. When I mention my fears she just says that he does not seem as interested in the water as he is in coming to my house. But that could change in a blink, and he could drown. You can imagine what it is like trying to warn of possible deadly disasters and to be ignored. A nightmare.
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Thank you so much for your note. You brought me happiness.
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I really appreciate your insightful notes. I think Matt and Sarah are two of the nicest names in the world.
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thank you for asking to be on my friends list..i have added you. my cat is like that so,no matter what I dont ever pat her..however i allow her to smooch all over me etc and stop when she is ready..no more “snake bites”..win/win. I have been writing on faceBook and am finding it difficult to stay focused and writing daily here.. kindest regards Gloria
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RYN: I knew what you meant.
As far as I know there are no twins in the family but that isn’t the only indicator for fraternal twins. Identicals seem to have a higher genetic link.
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Thank you for your note. I added you to my favs so that you could read the update to the entry you noted (if you want to that is). I adore Serena & I promised her I would do what I could to help & I meant it. I can picture myself in her circumstances & I know how scared I would be so I want to help if I can. I thought your notes were very helpful as well. I know she’s gotten a few notes inthe past that freaked her out & she ended up writing friends only entries to put a stop to those type of notes. Some people are so thoughtful & try to help & then some people just say things that leave you shaking your head thinking I can’t believe I just read that.
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RYN: Thanks for stopping by my diary and leaving your note. I’m glad to know that the “rib out of place” from the chiro wasn’t just an excuse to play snap-crackle-pop with Hubby’s back. I do not trust chiropractors at all–not since I went to one several years ago and ended up in worse shape than when I went in. I read your front page, so know you are a cat-lover, as am I. I have two- Sneakers, nearly 14 year-old-male, and Socks, 11-year-old female. They get along well and we love them to death. I’m glad you enjoy my entries. They aren’t frequent–at least not as frequent as I’d like–but I do enjoy doing it. Come back soon.
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ryn: I’ll have to look back, but I thought I did post finished pics. If not, I’ll take some once all the stuff from the old kitchen is back out of the way.
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RYN: I feel the same way you do. But a new mold-free apartment in OK might fix me up, and I can run my de-humidifier to keep it dry. If I ever get well I can come back to New Mexico. I think the mold in the wall that the consultant said would not hurt me, IS hurting me. I can’t wait to get out of here. Sarah thinks I might be out before the end of the month.
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Just thought I’d let you know that I got your latest note, and I know it wasn’t the only one you’ve left. But I can’t find any entries to read–have you just quit writing here? If you are on “friends only”, would you like to add me?
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ryn: thanks for your note! I added you to my friends’ list also. Now you have to write more entries. I bet you have a lot more to write about than you think! ;o) !! blessings, Nicky
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Thank you for your lovely note. It’s nice to meet you. How is your cat now? Does she still have a streak of the devil in her? I’m adding you to my Bookmarks in the hope that you will write more entries. *Hint*
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Thanks for your note about my “Aunt Mildred” story. Drop in again soon — and maybe write us something?
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hope by now (it has been almost 2 years since you wrote this entry) your cat is no longer a biter or the devil, and is a cozy lovable kittie….
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Thanks for your note, yes CST is good stuff!
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RYN: Apologies, you should be able to see all of my entries. I will go check that you’re on my Friends list as soon as I leave this note. If you can’t see the most current entry titled 6am it’s because I made it private. You’re not missing anything, it was just me complaining because I was still up at 6am this morning. I will have to update tomorrow so that that entry stops showing up. <br> I would never remove you just because you don’t update often. I hope that you’re doing well.
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RYN: I love cats and Ragdoll cats are one of my all time favorites (though I would never get a pedigree pet, I would only get a shelter cat or a cat someone didn’t want.)
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Thank you for your note. Hope you are well, best wishes, A
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RYN: It’s funny that you mentioned menopause because I just turned 47 this past January so a few months ago I insisted that my doctor do a blood test to see if I was starting to go through menopause and he said my hormone levels were perfect and that I hadn’t started menopause yet (he was sure I was already pre menopausal.) I think we were both shocked when the test results came back. Thebest part was my very expensive medical insurance decided not to pay the bill so I got stuck paying several hundred dollars for the test. I was so mad. I am going to go back to the doctor this week and see if he has any other ideas. Thanks for stopping by and for your note.
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RYN: thank you again for your comments – very much appreciated. Knowing that my art is enjoyed and appreciated by some makes it all worthwhile. I hope you are well and that your life is full of those little joys which reach into our souls. Very best wishes, A
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Thanks for your note on my diary! I also have an aging cat, my little queen, who’s 15 years old now, and a devil baby lol – and a wide range in between. I know you must miss your furbaby; I still miss mine. My granddog was born on St. Patrick’s Day and I used to throw parties for him; he’s been gone for over 17 years now. This is his 28th birthday.
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Thanks for your note. I hope your kitty has gotten over the habit of biting you. Sometimes they get overstimulated and well bite. She should be giving some sort of clue prior to doing it like her tail lashing back and forth.
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Thank you for your note. it was nice to hear from you.
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Thank you for your kind note. Now I’ve written, after nearly six weeks, maybe you could consider writing, after more than two years? *smile*
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thanks for stopping by….
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Thank you for your note. I’m still crying over my cat and keep poking the rubble to make sure she wasn’t there. I’ve seen no skeleton or bones of any kind. Please pray for her safety! My little queen still survives and is still head of the household; she came with me but all are okay. I’m still worried about the missing one!
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Ryn: thanks for stopping by and leaving a note.
I’ll add you to my favs list too. 
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Thank you for stopping by. Would you mind if I add you to my faves list? I have a kitty, and my daughter, whom lives with me for a while, has a cat. My kitty is sweet, mischievous-still young, loving, purrs loudly, sweet and my daughter’s cat is: mean, vociferous, never purrs, bites, claws and is only nice and sweet when in heat. She’s an odd cat, lol. Have a nice day. :*)
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Thanks for your note. My late husband used to get ganlion cysts and I had forgotten that they “cured” them by whacking them with a book. Thanks for the reminder!
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RYN: Thanks…
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ryn: thanks for your note! I changed my diary background to one that’s easier on the eyes. :o) !! Here’s wishing you and your loved ones a happy holiday! blessings,
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ryn: Thanks for stopping by! I have six cats and I don’t think any of them would cooperate in a cat wrapping.
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Thank you for your note; it was lovely to hear from you. I hope you’ve now got through the blizzard ok – such a contrast to our quite hot wether down here.
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RYN: Thanks for your note. I totally agree with you, I have gravitated to cemeteries ever since I can remember…I love going to them to think as well. I’ll add you to my friend’s list!
PS. I also love A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. :)))
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RYN: Oh, your poor inlaws! I don’t blame them for refusing to give a key to anyone after that, either! actually have my key with five different people, including a next-door neighbour, but don’t think any of them are likely to come in unless they are invited, or it is a real emergency.
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Your visits to my page leave me smiling. It is hauntingly wonderful to visit here and see notes from Starbright. I think of her nearly every day and miss her terribly. I’m so glad we were able to share her friendship.
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Thanks for your note and for adding me to your favorites. I’ll add you too. In Texas we have had a lot of spring like weather but every 2nd to 4th day it gets cold again. Nothing like the snow others are getting so I gues I can’t complain.
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Thank you for your note. Read as much as you like in my diary. I used to have a cat when I was married. If you’re looking trough my diary and see Kit Kat, that’s the cat we had. Aparently, after my wife and I divorced, Kit Kat got out and never seen again. I hope someone took her in and is taking good care of her. I miss her alot.
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RYN: Oh I can well imagine what you’ve gone through from it. I hope it stops soon. (((HUGS)))
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I got Archie last May shortly after the death of my much loved old cat. Archie was a shelter cat. He bites. I smack him on the head when he does and he is slowly stopping. He now opens his mouth and thinks. Sometimes he licks. Sometimes he pinches just the tiniest bit with his teeth. I still smack him for that. I know all the advice says to not hit cats as it will make them frightened of you. NotArchie. He doesn’t like it, certainly, but it barely slows him down.
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Thanks for stopping by my diary. Thankfully all my cats are still young. I went through a period a few years ago where the older ones were dropping like flies.
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