First Attempt
My friend has been after me to start this for a long time.
Not sure where to begin…
Where does one start after being deceived?…lied to?…hurt?…made fun of?…humiliated?…embarrassed?…trampled on by life??????
It may take me a long time……………………………….
The best place to start is writing anonymously at Open Diary! :-> WELCOME!
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Oh, honey, don’t know what you been through but it sounds all too familiar to me. I am adding you to my faves list and I’m here if you need me. Love that profile picture. Serena
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I saw the comments you added on your front page! Did you know that Grandma Moses started painting when she was in her 70s. From the start of her painting career at age 75 to her death at the age of 101 she painted about 1600 paintings. So what part of those dreams and plans that you had as a child and young adult are you going to start today? Good luck! :-> ~Jerry
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RYN: I feel honored to be the first on your list. You can see who is on your page by adding a sitemeter counter to your front page as I have on mine. Unfortunately people can get to your page without it counting them and sometimes they come from a location so that you can tell the isp but you can tell what diary they came from but it still is useful particularly when someone rude leaves ananonymous note. Hope this weekend finds you well. I am looking forward to reading more entries by you.
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My sister used to have Yorkies. They were sweet little dogs. My family had cats when I was a girl but as I got older my allergies got worse and worse. I can barely be where they have been now. In the past because of my cat allergies I have gotten blisters actually on my eyeballs and my eyelashes have fallen out. Looks really weird. The blistering thing threatens my vision so I have topretty much avoid cats now as sweet and amusing as they are.
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Start right here! You’re going to love OD. Welcome, from one cat lover to another.
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Welcome to OD. It’s a good place to write all your feelings and make some friends too.
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RYN: Don’t tell anyone but I guess I kind of judge people who have to have everything new and spend, spend, spend as being shallow, well not my diary friends, of course, but some people that I see. I hope that you write again soon. I am so interested in getting to know you better.
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At least you got steamrolled, I got hit by a mack truck. Things do get better some days. Were you looking for my sunny state or my sunny attitude. When you get knocked down just get back up and bowl your way to the front. Keep writing, you made a good start. I am trying this OD also, it may help my altitude. HA HA msperfectionist
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been there, had that happen. but here, at least, you can be anonymous AND you can ban anyone you wanna from reading your diary. AND it’s a really great place to get out some negative (and positive) feelings and happenings. Give it a try, sweetie
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