Beyond Sad
I am beyond sad about OD. This has been my daily delight! I have moved over to prosebox but it’s just not the same. I have found several of my favorites but not all. The one that I will lose forever is Starbright. Even though she has crossed over, her diary was still here & I could read one of her entries. She is probably the one that made the biggest impression on me here at OD. I know she is the one that gave me the warmest welcome to the OD community. I wish someone could move her diary to another place we could visit. She had a very close friend here (Just Catherine) that had access to her diary & I wish I could contact her (I’ve looked & can’t find her) so she could somehow download it to another site. Goodbye Starbright Goodbye OD
goodbye my husband. goodbye OD. see you in refugee PB.
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i have deleted my diary. this is a back page to access. (oulin
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aw, I’m sorry that you are going to lose access to someone who meant so much to you! ((((huuuuggggssss)))) Nicky
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I am sorry I did get the chance to know you better.. I too have visited some lost loved ones.. They live on in our memory .. I will most likely be at PB when the dust settles. Take care..
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Yes, the saddest part of all this is the collection of diaries of people who have died, writings that will now just disappear. Prosebox isn’t the same, but many of the people I know and love are there, so I am content. It’s a new and developing site, and I’m a new and learning user. I think I will like it, as I grow used to it.
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I still have people bookmarked who are no longer here to write in their diaries. I hate that I’m losing them and can’t do anything about it. I met Starbright once; we had lunch together, and I enjoyed her very much. I’ve bookmarked you, too, at PB.
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I feel the same way about a couple of old favourites who’ve passed away or abandoned their diaries. It was always nice to be able to read back those old entries. It is a sad time for all of us here.
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ryn: just added you as a friend on Prosebox. See you there!
I’m really glad you found the video helpful. Feel free to share! 
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I looked for you at Prosebox and I couldn’t find you so if you can find me that would be great. I’m under the same name.
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I found you on Prosebox and added you as a friend.
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I just saw your note, yes that’s me on Prosebox.
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The news of Open Diary’s closing stunned me, too, but I’m reviving as I reacquaint friends on Prosebox. It’s like a grand reunion with kissing and hugging and squealing. ryn: Thanks for stopping by. Agree completely, if we didn’t have our memories we’d never survive losing our cat friends.
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RYN: I actually haven’t written on Prosebox since I started there. I really don’t like it there. I’m planning on joining EWS’s new site next month. I hope you’ll check it out. ; )
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Sally gave me access at one time, but must have changed the password. I can’t get into it anymore, or I’d move it somewhere else. Look for me on Prosebox if you want to friend me; I’m using the same name but have not written yet.
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