Let the NoJoMo begin…

Okay so I’m taking the slightly easy route for this first entry.  lol  Sorry but being as tired as I am it’s a task to get my brain to function and think.  So I didn’t want to start off NoJoMo by not writing.  I almost didn’t do NoJoMo this year but then I remembered how last year thanks to it I gained 2 new favorites that I enjoy reading.  First to any newer readers…yes a lot of my entries are faves only.  Why?  Cause this is my little place to vent and I want to be able to control who reads what.  Some stuff I write I don’t care if the whole world reads it but sometimes I get more detailed and prefer it to be limited to my faves.  That cuts down on the chance that someone who truly knows me in the real world finds my diary, reads it and knows things I don’t want them knowing.  I’m pretty open to adding new people, just drop me a note and let me know if you want added.  So now onto the one challenge.

~~ What has been your all time favorite costume? ~~

Tough question.  I’ve had a lot of favorite costumes but usually because I try to do odd things.  By that I mean I try not to do just the regular.  Like if you’re a cowgirl put a spin on it so you make it a bit more.  Zombie cowgirl?  Clown cowgirl?  I love Halloween.  It’s my favorite time of the year because you get to dress like whatever for a day.  You can get as crazy as you want.  So favorite costume of all time…hmm.  Probably an evil clown the one year.  My makeup came out awesome.  My hair color came out awesome.  Everything just clicked together just right.  It made for some really awesome pictures as well.  Plus it’s always fun to take something that a lot of people fear (clowns) and make it a bit scarier. lol  Another was one time a friend and myself found these cool light wands and got the idea to be a type of alien.  We figured out really easy costumes.  We took aluminum foil and created things like headbands/head gear as well as arm  bands.  We even took various craft stuff (pipes, poms) and further added to it.  It was something kind of simple but the end result was cool and definitely one of a kind.

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November 2, 2011

Good luck with NoJoMo!