The Life of a Techie Part 2
Well, Ok. I know I went off on my stage manager before, but this is my only venue in which to do so, so I am going to go off on him again. Ug.
So, He is supposed to give me stand-by cues, to get me prepared for the actual go cues. I was saying last time that instead of following script, he was reading a book. well, now, he is still reading the book, but he and his girlfriend are passing little notes to each other during the show. And because of this, he has failed to give me half of my standby cues. He just tells me to go. And also, he has missed some cues to. I was late on one very important cue because he didn’t call it until way after he was supposed to. And when the director talked to him about it, he gave some lame-ass excuse that it was because he didn’t see he actor. I can see the actor, all he had to do was move over away from his girlfriend for a minute to get into a position where he could see. Never mind the fact that it is a vocal cue, and he doesn’t have to see the actor anyway. Then he was bitching about the director and how she yelled at him for the cue being late. Well DUH! Take credit for your mistakes dammit! Its not the end of the world. The director has a right to demand perfection. It’s her show! So anyways. I wish there was a way to complain about him so that it would actually make a difference, but there isn’t. It is not my place to talk to the director. Maybe if he keeps making mistakes then she will yell at him enough that he will actually pay attention to what he is doing. Oh well. That’s all I have to say about that for now.
there’s nothing worse than an coworker who can’t do his job. save for depending on that coworker i guess.
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