nothing much…

So, Things are kinda weird right now.  I actually had a weird dream that this guy wanted to date me, but only if I kept a journal.. I told him the I kept an online journal, so he said that he wanted to see it.  But I had been talking about him in my journal, so I didn’t want to show him.  It was a really weird catch 22 dream, and I woke up feeling like it had really happened.  So bizzare.  I don’t relly have much to say right now but I felt like I needed to write something in order to keep up with my habbit that i am trying to re-form.  I don’t think this is makeing much sense.  The show i am working on is going ok.  it has been really stressful this last month but I think after this weekend it might lighten up again.  I saw the best show on Sunday though.  It was probably amoung the top theatre experiences that I have ever had.  It was an orriginal work written by a friend of mine. and it was directed by a director that I have worked with n the past.  I think that this was her best work by far.  I absolutly loved it.  Well, I guess that I don’t realyl have that much else to say.  But atleast I worte something!!!


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