Update-ish type thing!!!
Well guys and gals what can I say?? (Hopefully not a lot I hear you mumble)
I have started the new term at uni and must say that I am quite looking forward to the new module I am embarking upon. I am taking as follows: Writing for Drama, Tv acting, Live art and performance and last but not least 20th century directors and directing. So I am quite excited to be frank. (Don’t you wonder who this honest and somethimes painfully blunt person named frank is?)
Am hating Sainsburys, life is too short to work for people like them *grumble grumble grumble* So I am going to quit, well before they can carry out their crappy disciplinary procedures on me I suppose I oughtta.
We are going to poland once again with our fathers, should be good *fingers crossed* but we are a bit worried about what we are going to do at the moment when we get there because it is impossible to organise an itiinary when you are in england and you are me!!!
Have watched all of the 10 seasons of friends that I got for my b-day, so that was very good! Falling in with the bad crowd at uni, so need to nip that one in the bud for I have no will power and cannot abstain. Thinking of getting my nose pierced a) because I like it b) to piss people off really.
Have really got to tell my nan about daisy but can’t seem to find the words, just thinking about it makes my chest incredibly tight!!
Have also booked a holiday to spain with Daisy’s folks for september which should be fun, we are staying at different apartments but that means we get alone time etc. So it’s all good!! Have had the worst cold ever for what seems like forever now *grumble grumble grumble*
The play went really well the fiorst night was worse than the second, I truly felt like I was my character on the second night. Unfortunately the first night was when we were marked lol. Ne’er mind eh?
I am currently reading Russel Brands book, Sharon osbournes book and Fingersmith nearly finished the biographies and am halfway through fingersmith. They are all fantastic reads, some call me the freak child but I just can’t read one book at a time lol. Oh and am also reading Rosie to daisy atm, trying to broadenm her horizons. Stephen King is all well and good but, not when you already have disgusting nightmares all the time.
Am getting on with Daisy’s familly which makes a change but I still have my reservations.
I think that’s all there is to tell I can’t be bothered to tell you all about drunk stevie, for that my chumlies is another tale.
Love you all truly madly and fucking deeply babies.
ciao ciao
Ps: Homage to my homies: P-nicky, M bling, J-kay and D-arche from BB ste
is that the same frank who tells you drugs are bad? how about that camping holiday anyway? convinced laura yet? Xxx
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hey sweetie all seems a it mad ut its lovely to hear how you are getting on !im seeing about that easter thing atm so keep me in the no!! fingersmith is fab!! whats going on at work hun!? xxx
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thanks for the lovely lovely msg huns and i think when i cani will definately tryin to come see you!!!! xxxxxx love and hugs! xxxx
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