My meaningless existence breaks you


Well I thought the title was appropriate seeing as I have been all work, work, work and no fricken play! Daisy in living the high life in weymouth with her family so it’s kind dull potatoes for me. I am so glad to have two days off though, really glad I can just chill the fuck out (scuse the swearing It is an in joke with me, myself and I) and not think about wicked zinger meals and tomato ketchup. I think I’m actually goin crazy you see last night everytime I closed my eyes I thought I was supposed to be serving a customer (dickhead) lol oh well the descent into madness can be fun right?

No-one has updated their diaries which must meen you are all having so much fun, or that your working your greasy buttocks  off aswell! Can’t wait to see you all on the 29th, really cannot! I’m gonna get drunk for a change- don’t fear my children not that drunk that I will end up snogging matthew miller in some shady and grim alleyway (He wont be there) lol

The most interesting thing that happened to me of late was that we had a CER at work. We scored 85% which is ok I guess, but we lost stupid points…..stupid points! Piotr forgot to shave that morning so that was 7 points and then he forgot to remove an out of date pack of toms that was 5 points. So really piotr is a point losing fool if I ever saw one and I did!

Mark as mark of mark and ellis has recently aquired to gorgeous grey kittens called eggy bill and bob. They are beautiful with piercing blue eyeses .

I’m really quite excited to be going to grenada I have so much family out there so it will be amazing, I’m related to half the island yay!

Even Courtney and Ashton have abandoned me, Ash is at daddies and Courtney is at Nannies.

Oh woe is me.

I am on a role though discovering a load of awesome new lesbian music and just cool female bands too.


Arrivederci my boys and Bitches


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July 25, 2007

I am also working myself into madness if it’s any consolation 🙂 seem to have acquired a constant smell of raw steak/bacon and bbq cleaning…stuff. *wrinkles up nose and goes to have yet another shower* x

July 25, 2007

“not that drunk that I will end up snogging matthew miller in some shady and grim alleyway” HAHA!! ahh you make me laugh.. hopefully see you sunday Xxx

July 26, 2007

you better not kiss anyone in a shady place that is not daisy lol!! cant wait either and yes only working myself all day unfortunately xxx