As the title suggests I have a major headache.
So I went to see Ellis’ little baby boy last night, and suprisingly enough actually got on really well with Hayley. This is not to say that on previous meetings we have had any issues, but we just never really spoke all that much. It’s as usual entirely my own perception of her that was slightly jaded, I have real issues with Girlfriends for some reason, I suppose it’s because I have always gotten on well with guys and when you bring someone else into the equation it just feels strange.
The baby is really sweet though, and we got to hold him for a while. He grips your finger when you hold him it’s adorable. Funnily enough Ellis asked me if holding Leo made me broody, so I sat there and thought about it and suprisingly no it did not.
The thing is I know that babies are cute, I know that having your own would be amazing but I know I am not ready for that yet. I loved holding the baby but I was glad to give him back to his mummy at the end of the visit.
Courtney is hanging around with utter tramps at the moment and her and Ashton have no respect for anyone, they are doing drugs and drinking. They smoke full time, it’s gross. Last night Courtney called up and said she had been punched in the face by Curtis Henry, then it transpired that actually Katie had and Courtney got slapped. Who knows what the tryuth is!!
Have had quite a slow day today, Daisy as usual has been moaning that she is bored I don’t honestly know what she expects to every single second of everyday when we have no money! Let me elaborate we only have no money because we are spending about £6000 on our dream honeymoon, going to Vegas, Mexico and New York. We leave on Sunday, god there is no pleasing some people.
wow its so lovely to see you are still writing in this! i read through all my entries a month or so ago and my god i wrote in code about this boy or that ! reading back some of them i can’t even work out who i am talking about!!! I am gonna write as well, starting now! xxxx
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