Monday Monday…

Ba-da ba-da-da-da 🎵… So good to me🎵

It was one of those rare occasions I got to sleep in a bit… after 7 AM! But alas… Master Obiwan and his Padawan were waiting patiently for their meal. My morning routine:

  • Feed Cats
  • Wash Dishes
  • Make Tea
  • Make Lunch for Hubby
  • Yoga
  • Shower
  • Prayers
  • Breakfast (or first meal of the day cause by this time it could be noon 😅 )

Normally after this list, I would have a client ready for me but I’m guessing this is going to be a slow week.  My Angels and Spirit guides always know what is best for me and they usually give me slow days when I’m preparing for an event at the end of the week. And that event?  VACATION!! I’m starting to get super excited because the hubby and I have not had a real vacation for several years now. We’ve had our Plane tickets and Lodgings booked for a couple of months, but it wasn’t until the weekend that we sat down and solidified our itinerary:

  • Days 1 – 3: Arlington VA and Washington DC
  • Days 4-6: Baltimore MD for Poe Festival and Black Cat Ball 🎭🖤
  • Days 7-9 Chincoteague & Assateague Islands VA 🐎
  • Day 10 – DC
  • Day 11 – Home

Ba-da ba-da-da-da 🎵

Ba-da ba-da-da-da 🎵

Ba-da ba-da-da-da 🎵

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September 27, 2022

Bon voyage! 😀