Boo Boo and the Puss

Boo Boo Joey is my ‘special needs’ kitty. She was a patient of mine at the veterinary hospital I worked for once. She was found in a dumpster only a week or so old. She was bottle fed and turns out was injured in the dump. She has a stub for a tail, bad knees and has urinary incontinence. Because of her ‘special needs’ she live in her own condo and gets to lounge in the sun on our patio during the day.

Puss Puss is my adopted kitty. He’s a big all black cat with attitude! He walked into my home one day and never left. No one every claimed him so here he prowls. He is indoor only and can’t join Boo Boo on the patio for sun because he will jump the fence.


Puss Puss is sooo jealous of Boo Boo being outside that one day while they were sniffing noses thru the screen door Puss decided to take his aggression out on a unsuspecting by stander… lamby, the beanie baby. While glaring with have shut green eyes at Boo Boo, Puss grabbed Lamby by the neck, rolled over on his side and started to kick the dickens out of poor lamby! I could hear Puss very clearly…

"see this! that’s what cha gonna get if I ever get a hold of you! yeah…yeah…uh-huh!"

My little Boo Boo just stood there in wonderment.

My Little Boo Boo Joey

My Big Bully Puss Puss

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July 14, 2007

awwww cuuuute!!! i looove kitties!! stop by my diary sometime.

July 14, 2007

i love cats.

July 15, 2007

Cute entry!

July 15, 2007

They are each beautiful in their own way. Look at the claws on the ‘bully’. I see one of your interests is book reviews. My diary here at OD is a lit blog. I like recommendations for really good fiction literature, past or present. From EVERYONE.

July 15, 2007

Nice cats! Our oldest cat was found in a dumpster also. Dead of winter and she was in bad shape. But today she is known as the Calico Queen … because she thinks she is! 🙂

July 16, 2007

Cute kittys

Awwwwwwwwwww aren’t cats cool? They are so sophisticated… xxx

July 19, 2007

wowww Look at those nails… *RUNS AWAY FAST*