3 Wishes…
So… This little old lady was rocking away one day on her porch when all of a sudden a Genie appeared before her *Poof* And he says to her…
"Madam… You have led a good long life and I have come to reward you by granting you 3 wishes"
The old lady thinks for a minute and then asks the Genie…
"I’d like to be young and beautiful again"
*Poof!* She becomes young and beautiful again.
then she asks the Genie…
"for my second wish I would like to be rich"
*Poof!* her rocking chair turns into solid gold.
Then the Genie asks her…
"And what would you like for your final wish?"
Just then the ladies cat comes walking across her porch. The lady sees him and then asks the Genie…
"I’d like you to turn my cat into a handsome young prince"
*Poof!* Her cat becomes a handsome young prince and then he leans over and whispers into her ear…
"now aren’t you sorry you had me neutered?"
thank you for making me laugh, I really needed that tonight.
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haha that’s funny =]
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Hahah Thats great. My grannie would love that. I think I might have to check out Christopher Pike again. I had a fried in school that used to get the books with me and we’d trade off. Then we changed to Stephen King and so on. Have a good day hon.
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this is funny!
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awww that’s horrible!! lol still made me laugh though.
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As the saying goes … be careful of what you wish for, because you might get it. Cute joke.
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RYN: I’m not sure about Snape. At first I thought he was good, but now I’m not sure. Deep down I guess I still believe he’s good, but we’ll find out for sure on Saturday, right?
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