My World

It’s amazing at what amuses me. My friend Kayla and I did this color god thing at this star wars web site we go to. We went on the boards and were like we are the color gods we’ve come to blah blah blah. I am the Black god. It was all good and fun. Kayla was the White god. But the whole thing got us banned from using those names not our real names. Those shall remain disclosed incase anyone reading this goes to that web site and realizes who I am. Well I swear they all think you have to have a degree in Star Wars to even talk about it. Like you should have gone to college and majored in Star Wars before you can form an opinion on it. It’s like get off your high horse. Also it seems like the people with the stars get the respect. I swear the world has gone mad. But it was a good laugh watching them all act like freaks because of something trival like that. I also picked my powderpuff name. I am Bubbles. Named after my fave Powerpuff girl. I am also going for getting everyone to nominate me for Homecoming Queen because well I’m the most un likely to win so I want to win. I just want the crown and all. I even got my phony speech worked out and all. I’m not a phony person don’t get me wrong. I can’t stand phony people. I know tons of phony people. I go to school with phony people.

That’s what High School is about, preparing yourself to be phony when you’re an adult. I swear you think High School is all about acceptence. Wrong! That’s what adults do all the time. That’s why they go to parties and things. Because they just want to be accepted by other adults. I don’t want to be phony. I want to be whatever I feel like when I feel like it. Sorry I just finished reading Catcher in the Rye bye J.D. Salinger. I highly recommend everyone read it when they get a chance. It’s a very excelent book. It was funny because I was reading and I was like dude me and Holden would get a long great because we both hate phony people and everything. I mean I’m not totally crazy and all. It’s just wow, he seems like a cool person to hang out with. He’s someone you would take with you to laugh at all the crazy people in the park or something.

But I’ve had one busy week. With Powderpuff practice and getting caught up on all my school work. It’s been very exciting let me tell you. My Senior Comp. teacher is weird. But that’s another story for another entry. Just like my whole speel on phoney people is another entry for another time. Just realize that the world is full of phony people and you might be one of them. You may not know it and all. But inside everyone there is a bit of phoneness that lerks and it needs to be destroyed before it overtakes and throws the real you out of control of your life. Thank you and Good Night.

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