A Thought…

This is a thought for all you cool cats out there. You remember when the whole Sept. 11th thing happened, and how the whole country pulled together. And still in a way we are, but we’ve got back to our normal life. Okay I know everyone’s thinking Sonja where are you going with this.

What if we still had that feeling of brotherhood and sisterhood? You know, I mean no one shares that anymore. Everyone’s gone back to being grumpy and upset over nothing. When at this time when this happened we all came together put all the stuff aside that was upsetting us. And got along for a brief while. Why couldn’t we do that again? Why could we all be nice and appreciate everyone in our lives no matter who they are. Even if it just be the Wal-Mart employee who helped you out, or the grocery that checked you out. Just saying thanks and being happy for the fact that they helped you.

And your family and friends how much they do for you no matter what they do still appreciating them for just being there and being cool and everything. Well that was just my random tangent of the day. Have a good one!

You know everyone’s always wondering is the glass half-full or half-empty why not just at the middle?


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