
Okay… Im not too sure how to start, other than splatter my constant ramblings over everyday life on this obligatory pixal canvas. Today was alright, as far as that word can apply. I mean, everything was peachy phucking keen. But now its not so. Today started as any other…I woke up…I stared at the wasteland that is my home, and sighed. I climbed from my bed and shimmied downstairs. I opened one of my new Johnny the Homicidal Maniac comics, and read. ::You’re sad, little girl, so so sad…Pathetic:: CJ called at around noon. We only got to talk for a second, or so it seemed. I swear every conversation with him is as though it only lasts but a minute. We could talk for hours on end, and yet have said nothing. He’s amazing in that way…anyhow. He went to lunch, (from his loathesome job at that one place, tacking together a circuit board…oh the excitement!). I abhore our short conversations…they leave me longing to speak again. He called once he got off work, unfortunately for me, my phone ceased to work…so I received a message stating that he was going to a friends house. *blink* ::Hes leaving you? On the day he promised you’d talk…spend time together?…Evil:: *blink* So I called him back in utter urgance and spoke quite vaguely over the matter. He told me its been a few since he’d been with his friends, and that he wouldn’t be speaking with me tonight, because he’d be off with them. ::Again with the friends…why? Did he forget? He forgot, im sure…he forgot you again…its just a condition, right?:: That hurt alot. I know that he must’ve not remembered our little “date”, thus I was left to wallow in self pity for the nights pass. I was going to go to Riki’s house, but that made me a little uncomfortable. ::Why not go? He likes you doesn’t he?…You can be good…you will be good…its all for company, surely:: So I didn’t go. I love CJ…I love him loads. And being in the company of Riki sets my nerves on edge. ::You should’ve gone…all night alone and bored:: I feel better this way, I suppose. I’d rather spend the night alone, than spend the night blocking a barrage of slcik hands reaching for my most private of posessions. ::Guess it was okay you didn’t go…but you know you wanted to…you love the attention…don’t deny it, little girl…:: Anyhow, when I reminded CJ of our little preplanned fiasco…he got very upset. Im sure it was the guilt. ::Guilty? Perhaps….:: I don’t like hwne he’s upset. I live in fear that when he’s upset, he’s going to leave me. ::And he just might, sweetie…he just might:: I don’t want to lose him. He means the absolute world to me. I couldn’t be happy without him, he makes me whole. He makes me feel alive… ::I could change that for you…:: I am so IN love, and its been so long…so so long… I’ve never been happier than to have him in my life. But who wouldn’t be? He’s amazing, perfect, sweet, sensual…he’s everything. ::You’re a sap…a stupid little sap:: I feel so guilty when he’s upset. And I feel even more guilty when its ME that makes him upset. I don’t want CJ to hurt, and I especially don’t want to be the one that hurts him. ::Again with that guilt shhit. Pestulant little freak…:: But he knows I love him, and I would do anything for him. Anything.. ::And for me?…::

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hey thanks for the note, im glad you liked dead on arrival

i really like the lightning bolt effect too 🙂

I wasn’t upset with you, baby…I’m never upset with you. I just hate to forget things. I do it all the time, and it seems to always be the things that hurt that I forget. I love you, you know I do. I wish there were some way for me to not forget. My dad’s the same way, he forgets things if they’re not always reminded to him…I love you, Heather…and…You got Johnny the Homicidal Maniac comics?

(Guilt feeling is no good). I am glad he loves u too. I wish u both the very best!