The Few. The Proud.

Hiya. Things have been just a bit crazy lately…As they always tend to be when it comes to my life. I don’t know how to really put in all in perspective, you know? CJ joined the Marines. I mean, on the one hand, I’m really really proud of him, but on the OTHER hand. Im upset. He’s joined the hardest, most intense branch of the military. And its been two months since I’ve seen him. I still have 5 weeks before we’re going to see each other, and even then, I only get him for 10 days. AND THEN…he goes to SOI school. I mean…that is another 8 weeks in itself. Its just…really shitty, you know? We have a kid… and we have each other. So what do I do when he goes to Iraq?? I mean, sure, there’s TONS of women out there whose husband/boyfriend/lover…is in Iraq right now. HELL my best friend is too. do they deal with it? How DID they deal with it, when they first heard that their heart had joined the Marines? HECK, or the ARMY. Those poor guys have to stay more than twice as long as the Marines. But yea…HOW…HOW do you deal with that sort of news. It dropped me to my knees. I know why he did it. He joined so we could have a better life. And by God, we will. He did it so we don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck. But tell me…how am I gonna live WITHOUT him?? The money is NOTHING compared to CJ. Just…I need to stay strong. I know I do. But God…its so hard…



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June 9, 2007

You get used to it after awhile. My boyfriend is currently in Iraq and although the first month is the hardest, it does get easier. There are lots of things you can do to cope and lots of support groups out there to join. The 10 days will be worth it, trust me. And if Congress gets its ass in gear maybe he won’t have to go to Iraq.