Putting me in danger.
Yea…I don’t really know how to start this other than by telling you what happened. Well, I’ve been letting my boy sleep w/ me. He sleeps terribly in his crib and he’s up like 5 times a night if he’s there. He’s been sick lately and his best cure so far has been sleep. Last night my mother came up stairs freaking out that he was n my bed again… As if she has a goddamned say. This afternoon she had the fuking gall to come to me crying and threatening to take my son away from me. She said that i obviously don’t give a shit about putting him in danger.. Oh that fukin’ blew my top…how dare she say that. I wouldn’t let anything happen to him. I went up to that walking sob and told her that unless she wants to put ME in danger, she won’t dare threaten to take him f/ me again..because i swear to god i will NOT live without him. I garuntee it. I was close enough to not living before i had him…and now that i do, he’s the only thing keeping me going. I live for my son. I won’t live without him…and i mean that. I hate to be harsh to her like that, but NO ONE can ever love my son like me. Seriously. He’s saved my life and for that i owe him more than my life.. So if she dares threaten me again, or actually attempt to carry that out, i can’t even explain the complications….. grrr… really pissed right now and on edge. Best go…prolly not the right time to be talking bout this…need some time to cool down.