Moneyless Marine Wife
Okay…things have been really hard for my son and I lately. Since CJ joined the Marines, we’ve gotten no money. He was supposed to send money a month ago. I’ve called his recruiter several times nearly in tears, because Aidan and I are completely out of food, I can’t pay my bills, and Im almost out of gas. Im glad I’m losing weight, don’t get me wrong, but THIS is not the way I wanted it all to happen. I don’t want to lose it because Im not eating. I will guarantee one thing…Aidan will NOT go hungry. He is oblivious to the whole situation and I like it that way. I’d rather him eat till he’s content, than know that mommy is skipping meals, and refusing to indulge.
I thought the Marines were supposed to be all about the support of the families BEHIND the Marine. CJ is all we have… He is our lifeline. I’ve looked for several jobs, but none compare to the high cost of day care. I can’t afford it…I’d literally be working just to pay for Aidan to be in daycare….*Sigh*
I even got a call from CJ the other day, frantic. Apparently the recruiter called up there and told the CO that Aidan and I were getting evicted and that we’d not have a home. Its not true, mind you, because we own a home, completely paid for. But he was trying his hardest to get SOME sort of money to come our way. CJ told me he has 2092 in the bank,and he’s gotten paid once since then. He’ll also be paid two more times before we go see him. That’s with his uniforms and everything paid for. He said he sent me 1500 of it. That was two weeks ago. Well…apparently someone came up to him during the middle of the CRUCIBLE to tell him that they weren’t sending me 1500. They were only going to allow him to send 250. Ahem…lemme repeat that….TWOFIFTY. That’s it. To a man’s wife and child who’ve been living on hardly nothing for two months. And 250 is gonna cover it???? I am at my wits end. I’ve asked my family for money, but they said that they couldn’t help more than giving me their leftover food and 40. ARGH!!
Its only two weeks now… Two weeks and we’ll be reunited with the love of my life. Two weeks and we’ll be a family again. Two weeks…and we’ll have money. I JUST WANT TO TAKE CARE OF MY FAMILY.
I do NOT blame CJ. I know he’s working his ass off. He was in tears because he’s trying really hard to get the money to us, and he was very upset it hadn’t gotten here yet. He just wants Aidan and I to be safe and secure. He JOINED the Marines to help our family get one step up on the ladder. But since he left…we’ve only fallen down it.
I so wanna help u…this is horrible!!!Anything a girl in Canada can do to help ya?
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thanks for your note…hope the money comes through soon!!! UGH!
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Jeez – Is there a Food Bank or something you could go to? Maybe go to Social Services or something and tell them that you need help until your hubby is allowed to send $$…? There has got to be something they can do to help? In Canada, we have MP’s, but I am not sure what your local government people would be called — Try them! Good Luck, and Take Care!
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thnx for your note. hopefully your husband will come home soon.
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