Feeling Useless

So. If you’ve read up on the past couple of days, you sort of get my situation. Its been really hard not having CJ here. God..I want him to come home. He was supposed to be able to call yesterday, but its technically Monday now, and we haven’t heard a word. I want my husband back!

Since Friday, I’ve spent most of my time being sad. I honestly haven’t been a sad person in a long long time. I just want him home. I can’t help but worry. I mean…they don’t know why he’s BURNT on his legs! He’s suffering and there isn’t anything anyone can do to help him…I WANNA HELP. But I know I can’t….It makes me feel useless…

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July 8, 2007

so sorry to hear abt your hubby’s situation. hope he can come home soon & that he is ok.

July 8, 2007

Hi nice to meet you! Love the pic. Sang Jin

RYN: Yeah, gifts shops are weird like that sometimes! But I’m grateful – it’s cute! 🙂 Thanks for the note.

July 8, 2007

I would tell her if I didn’t think she’d yell and scream and try to lock me in my room. In her mind, I’m still 13. I’m sorry to hear about your husband. I hope that everything turns out alright and he gets to come home soon!

July 8, 2007

Hi.. thanks for the “Awww” note.. tehe.. I shall read your entries.. you seem nice.. Ta ta..

July 9, 2007

“Its the deepest wound there is, when you can’t help the one you love.” – Terri clark Thanks for the note. Sometimes its all we can do sit by and let the people we love know that we’re here for them. I hope things get better for both of you:)