Had a Really Good Title, Forgot It
"We are never sure which one of us is pulling away."
–Kacy Crowley, *Vertigo*
So last night, curry dinner and movie at Charley’s. Good time Charley’s! Ha, that’s so only funny if you’ve lived in Ann Arbor and even then…okay, it’s not. Anyway. Got there early, swung on the swings with newly-met Ryan waiting for Charley to arrive. He did, others did (let’s see, Jenny and Valentina, then later, Ronnie and Jen), food got underway, wine and conversation ensued. Jenny has a frightening and yet somehow intriguing obsession with concrete.
The curry was excellent, the movie ("Layer Cake") also excellent, and around midnight came the compulsion for s’mores. With me being the only one good to drive, we took my car. The GOOD car and it still punked out in the Meijer parking lot after we had all the s’more stuff! It’s been a long time since I’ve had a car die on me, I’d almost forgotten how much fun it’s not. Had to call/wake up the parents, who came out and switched cars with us and we drove everybody back to Charley’s and then drove home to make sure Mom and Dad hadn’t gotten stranded in the stalling Saab somewhere along the road. Everyone made it home okay, yay! But no s’mores for me and Ronnie–boo. Except tonight we made some after dinner, yay!
Question(s) of the day: what’s in Bear Claw ice cream (chocolate, caramel, walnuts or possibly pecans–anything else?) Why does it have a reddish tinge? Our answer to the latter is either gargoyles, or werewolves.
At my job interview last Thursday, I was asked by the interviewer: "tell me a story. About anything." I hate those "let’s see how you think on your feet" kind of questions because I don’t think on my feet unless I’m actually on my feet having to think, not sitting in a job interview stammering through a stupid story about driving with Coco the day after she got her license. What kind of question is that anyway? Sadly, I’m a creative writer, not a creative talker. Whatever; I have a second interview(ish type thing)!
My faith in August is maintained.