that’s life

When I left my husband and was moving into my own place, I threw away a basket that had a lot of my important papers/records.

Once I quit sobbing, I realized that I was “starting over” .. and how better to start over than to have to basically recreate myself.

So, here we go again. DM suggested backing everything up, but I’m just letting this diary go.

I’ve opened an account on prosebox . pseudonym was taken, so I’m pseudo.

I haven’t written anything there yet, but I have done the preliminaries and hopefully will be able to continue visiting with many of you. And for the ones I don’t find over there – happy travels!


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January 27, 2014

So you’re not downloading your OD?

Added you over on PB. I’m there under the same name.

January 29, 2014

I am leaving my husband here. He died in 2009. But he was here in every entry fron 1999 to 2009. I could not have made it without the help of my friends. Strokes. Cancer. Heart attacks. Pneumknia. Tube fed. And I was running libraries. Dealing with emplyees. Convicts. Oh god.. I would not have made it alone. Goodbye . Will see you on pb.

February 1, 2014

pseudo! I’ll look for you over at PB. : ) Oh yes, I’m Avanti over there…..just signed up……….