I love my son and being a mother

While on the phone with the cable company trying to order HBO, my son was sitting in my lap and just being his funny silly adorable self.  There was a problem with my DVR getting  the info from the cable company and so the call ended up be a little long and so I was interacting playfully with my son while talking to this guy.  Nathan of course was playing along too and making Kyle laugh hard and we all were just being ourselves.

He said, "you both really do love being parents.  Most of my calls with a parent and the child is in the background, the child is being yelled at to go away and to leave them alone but you aren’t doing that.  Your home sounds like it is a lot of fun.  That really is awesome."

He is right we really do love being parents. 

Lisa and Andrea were living with a family where there was constant yelling and the children were ignored and belittled a lot.  The parents got a divorce and the mom preferred to just leave and go out all day and night leaving her children with Lisa and Andrea.  She would forget to get her kid to school, so Lisa and Andrea would take the child to school.  One child was 18 mos old and often left in a dirty poopy diaper for hours and the other was 8 yrs old.

Coming here has been such a change for Lisa and Andrea and encouraged them that having children isn’t horrible.  They too noticed how happy Kyle is and how smart and alert he is.  They told us they could tell we love Kyle a lot and love being his parents. 

It is always nice to get these compliments.  Nathan and I explained our parenting style of AP and gentle discipline.  It does work.  We have a happy home.  We have loads of fun.

We still do some co-sleeping.  Right now Kyle goes to bed in his own room but later in the night when we all are in bed, he likes to join us.   We don’t mind it and having him there, he sleeps in later so we all get better sleep and usually wake up being silly and laughing with each other.  It is a great way to start the day.  Some mornings we just are lying there looking at each other wanting to get more sleep.  Either way we are a family and loving it. 

Last night he gave me a scared at Nathan’s parents house.  He bolted off running towards the street.  I chased after him and pulled him out of the street just as he lept off the curb and I did raise my voice to him, yelling "No!  You do not run  out into the street, it’s dangerous."  It totally shocked Kyle and he just held me and started to cry saying "Sorry, Sorry, sorry."  

I know it probably scared him that I reacted like that but I don’t want him to get hit by a car.  I was glad that he was sorry.  Today when we went out front he standed near me and/or held my hand.  I was glad that he didn’t try to run off on his own this time.  I know that because I don’t yell at him that when I did last night, he realized what he did was wrong.  He took me seriously.  If I yelled at him a lot, he may not have understood how serious I am about him staying near me outside and in public places.

I really do love being Kyle’s mother.  He is talking so much more and even using sentences with more then 3 words.  I am so proud of him.

Oh wow it looks like a storm is coming in.  I am so glad that I took Kyle out in the backyard to play earlier today when it wasn’t all cloudy and windy.  I bet it is going to rain soon.









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June 4, 2009

🙂 <3 Annie-Rae

June 5, 2009

How sweet! You have such a wonderful family!

June 6, 2009

Annie and I have had that happen as well. It is a little surprising to hear how often people are screaming at there kids while on the phone.