Blue is Better – Recipes for Diabetics * Edited

Third Entry for the day



So I went and checked out the website for the grocery store I found today.  I noticed coupons and such but what caught my eye was the section called Blue is Better focusing on food and meals for diabetics.  It is also good to fight diabetes.


I know I have favs who have to cook for diabetics and thought they might like this link.  They do have a LOT of recipes that sound delicious!


*** So I found another site that has crock pot recipes for Diabetics.  I love my crockpot and am going to try these out.

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August 12, 2010

MOST people would be healthier by following a ‘diabetic’ diet. That or the American Heart Association one. 🙂

August 12, 2010

I bookmarked both. Thanks so much for sharing these!