The Title Killed The Dish & Kidnapped The Spoon

This entry is entirely random. It may also offend many people – tough.
Disclaimer: This entry may offend many people on many different levels. Princess Pitbull would like to apologise fpr anyone who feels offended but would also like to point out that the entry is not meant to offend it is simply meant to put across a point of view. Princess Pitbull would like to point out that she is insensitive and just plain loud mouthed and over opinionated and generally doesn’t think when it comes to said opinions. Princess Pitbull would also like to say that if you’re that sensitive and you do take offence to the following article then it’s tough titties for you and that you need to grow up get a grip look in the mirror and realise that she’s not out to offend anyone or everyone she just says what she damn well wants.
I think my headache is just randomness taking over my brain.It feels like there is no room left in my skull that mybrain has swelled and swelled and any minute now my brain is going to burst along with my skull,scalp and face. it’s all going to go *BANG*. That’ll be fun to clean up.
Had a very bizzare dream last night that i got sacked from work because the boss’ mother made new rule up that no-one can work there for longer than 2 years so I got really upset and then stole all the cans of Red Bull in a hiking rucksack – like I’d own one of those – please – I have some taste.
Elle text me last night saying that she doesn’t know how to explain how much she misses me but I have a feeling that I do know. It’s a bit like feeling like Heather Mills-McCartney, it feels like I’m missing a leg. I love her so much. Elle not Lady Mucca. I keep having to stop myself from asking her to marry me. I just want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want to spend every little second of time with her. Forever more. Argh. I do want to ask her to marry me. I won’t though. Yet. I’ll wait a bit. Maybe after we’ve been together a year or so. Maybe on Valentine’s day. No too clichéd. I’d love to ask her on our anniversary but I think even then after a year it would be too soon. Not on my birthday because she’d be obliged to say yes. Not on her birthday because if she said no it would ruin it. When? i don’t know but it would have to be a special day. Ooh I know. No I don’t.
yeah. wow that was completely random, lol. but i dont see how this entry could be offending to other people. maybe im just blind. haha, i need glasses. have a good one! ^_^ -kimbuhly-
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