All We Need Is A Ceremony

This entry is unillustrated.
This is no April Fools.This week me and Elle officially became a married couple. It feels really strange being so comitted. Yes I know what everyone’s thinking. We’ve only been together 6 months (nearly). Yes guys & dolls me and my girlfriend have become a middle aged married couple. We have bought…a barbecue. Actually it’s not so funny as I did ask her last night if she thought we’d get married one day,she did say yes to that so maybe I might ask her this year,on our anniversary. November 8th. I can’t wait.
Elle has become a regular subject on this diary of mine so I’d just like to tell you all a bit about her. Some of this may be a bit sickening so have a bucket/bag/bowl ready just in case…
Elle. She’s my world. I love her. She makes me smile, she makes me frown, she makes me laugh she makes me cry, she’s amazing. She’s so small I just want to continuously protect her from everything and anything. I’ve never in my life met anyone who’s so naive, so innocent, so loving, caring or wonderful. She always thinks the best of everyone except for me. She looks so cute and sweet yet she gets very jealous and worries far too much. She wants to give everything she’s got but wants to keep it for herself too. She thinks the world of Millz and treats her as I do. She wants me all to herself all the time, as I do her. She has such an effect on me that I never want to live life without her. I would kill for that girl. I’d kill any of you or anyone if they ever tried to hurt her in any way.I love watching her eyes light up when I tell her that I’ve bought her a present. I love how she flushes a bit pink when I tell her I love her. I love how she goes all coy & shy when I’m whispering dirty things in her ear, even when we’re in bed. I love how when we play fight she gives in eventually. I love her little laugh when she’s amused. I love her laugh when she finds something really funny. I love how when she calls be by my full name she puts and “ing” sound at the end in order to sound innocent. I love everything about her. I really do. I want to live life with her. I want us to have kids together.I want to settle down and do the do with the house and cars and kids and animals and school uniforms and packed lunches and tears and tantrums and wet weekends in Rhyl and the seeing our kids faces light up in Disneyland. I want all that with her, no-one else – HER.
I want to fucking marry her.
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